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fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
gargaj: "if it's an artpack or musicdisk without GUI/viewer, _DON'T ADD IT_"
does this matter anymore? i'm just curious, you know.
added on the 2009-03-06 13:10:25 by zefyros zefyros
testament by katharsis
not a musicdisk but a demo.
added on the 2009-03-08 03:55:51 by gentleman gentleman
testament by katharsis
not a musicdisk but a demo.

is it possible, that the ´fix me beautiful´ stuff is a bit unattended by the gloperators in the last time?
added on the 2009-03-09 11:34:55 by gentleman gentleman
added on the 2009-03-09 13:21:17 by havoc havoc
added on the 2009-03-09 14:07:45 by zefyros zefyros
zefyros: if that quote wouldn't be valid anymore, it would be removed. only exception is for musicdisks without interface by people who have bribed the nordic conspiracy.
added on the 2009-03-09 15:02:18 by havoc havoc
havoc: I just wondered, because there's at least five known ones in the database and after that bits double billing conversation this came to my mind.
added on the 2009-03-09 16:47:54 by zefyros zefyros
Please can you remove the dead links to my
university webspace from the following pages:

([download] link AND the link in my comments please)

([download] link AND the link in my comments please)

([download] link AND the TWO links in my comments please)

(only the [download] link please)

([download] link AND the TWO links in my comments please)

Someone from university told me it is not allowed
to use my webspace for non-university related
stuff so I really beg you to remove the links in
addition to what I already did (removing the files).

added on the 2009-03-09 17:06:38 by 0x$$ 0x$$
Please can you remove the dead links to my
university webspace from the following pages:

([download] link AND the link in my comments please)

([download] link AND the link in my comments please)

([download] link AND the TWO links in my comments please)

(only the [download] link please)

([download] link AND the TWO links in my comments please)

Someone from university told me it is not allowed
to use my webspace for non-university related
stuff so I really beg you to remove the links in
addition to what I already did (removing the files).

added on the 2009-03-09 17:08:56 by 0x$$ 0x$$
megaverse BBS is listed twice. Please remove megaverse.
added on the 2009-03-09 17:38:21 by emc emc
protrekkr prod #50409 is ported to amigaos4, please add os4 icon and dl link.
dl link: http://www.os4depot.net/index.php?function=showfile&file=audio/edit/protrekkr.lha
added on the 2009-03-09 17:38:59 by spotUP spotUP
venom: post alternative downloads please, otherwise there's nothing i can do for you.

emc: that one is up to gargaj.

spotup: os4 category does not exist on pouet, so no can do.
added on the 2009-03-09 17:53:11 by havoc havoc
Ok here are alternative download URLs for the
[download] links, but please be so kind and
remove the links in my comments completely
if it is possible. Thanks a lot! :)

New link for [download] is:

New link for [download] is:

New link for [download] is:

New link for [download] is:

New link for [download] is:

New link for [download] is:
added on the 2009-03-09 20:21:01 by 0x$$ 0x$$
Download link for thisisn't working. It is not on scene.org either. The file you can find here contains only the music. The demos can still be found here. Could someone please upload this to scene.org? I have no account there.
added on the 2009-03-09 20:32:25 by raer raer
download links should be replaced now
i don't have sufficient almightiness to edit the prod comments tho :/
you'll need to bribe a slightly more godlike being for that ;)
added on the 2009-03-09 20:33:47 by havoc havoc
Most Mainloop prods seem to be gone, because the website is down.
added on the 2009-03-09 22:32:04 by raer raer
This has a bÖrken link too.
added on the 2009-03-09 23:16:13 by raer raer
Havoc: Thanks so far! :) Is there anybody who can edit the comments at all?
added on the 2009-03-10 10:35:39 by 0x$$ 0x$$
theoretically... yes
practically... don't hold your breath for it ;)
added on the 2009-03-10 15:04:57 by havoc havoc
uhm ok... tell me who I can annoy with that! ;D
and I promise I wont demand it to be done in short :)
added on the 2009-03-11 01:19:08 by 0x$$ 0x$$
please add homepage url web for the group tufs (ID 3254)
added on the 2009-03-11 07:07:58 by Proteque Proteque
The capped.tv domain expired on March 8th and was already reserved by someone.

Therefore, probably all prods have to get rid of their capped.tv links :(
added on the 2009-03-11 20:08:43 by Joghurt Joghurt


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