[off-topic] your opinions about subnotebooks
category: general [glöplog]
why not stick to xp then? it runs quite well on those machines and it fully supports the atom platform, with speedstepping and stuff - to save power..
and you can disable all the winxp look and effects (as if they were much), so that it will feel like 2k.
or simply put osx on it ;-)
and you can disable all the winxp look and effects (as if they were much), so that it will feel like 2k.
or simply put osx on it ;-)
stijn: i have a usb cdrom drive.
just found, after long searching, a thread where someone tried to install win2k on aspire one and it hung up in the middle. dunno... perhaps i'll try it out still.
w3nomsoup, as for windows xp, i am less scared about the (very ugly) look - i know that i can make it look classic - but i am more scared about the performance and the installation size (my aspire one will only have 8gb ssd)
just found, after long searching, a thread where someone tried to install win2k on aspire one and it hung up in the middle. dunno... perhaps i'll try it out still.
w3nomsoup, as for windows xp, i am less scared about the (very ugly) look - i know that i can make it look classic - but i am more scared about the performance and the installation size (my aspire one will only have 8gb ssd)
8gb ssd - that's a point.
that was actually the point why i buyed the akoya with its fat 160gb drive.
keep us informed if you managed to install win2k on it. it's a nice os, i used it too for a long time, even when xp came around..
that was actually the point why i buyed the akoya with its fat 160gb drive.
keep us informed if you managed to install win2k on it. it's a nice os, i used it too for a long time, even when xp came around..
Two adventurers took EeePCs across Victoria Island in Canada just recently, the adventurers reckoned they worked brilliantly except for when tundra started getting stuck under the keys. More info...
I've got a 901 with XP and it goes everywhere with me, it even runs GoatTracker without any trouble. :)
I've got a 901 with XP and it goes everywhere with me, it even runs GoatTracker without any trouble. :)
I've seen an eeepc 701 for €150 with an extra SD card. Do you think it's a good buy? It's almost as good (bad?) as all the other ones, just with a smaller screen, and disk.
New. You can probably find it cheaper used.
I have an eeepc 701. It's pretty much perfect for me as an email-reader / irc-laptop / notepad, which were the reasons I got it. I cannot really say anything bad about it. Works For Me (tm)
I know it's a computer. I was just asking about the price. Can I get anything better for the same price, should I wait for forthcoming price drops? Should I spend my moneys on hookers and wine instead?
I would myself prefer 1 gbyte of RAM, but beside that I wouldn't blink my eye before buying it.
I'd go for hookers and cocain.
i'm still very happy with my eee 901! i use it a lot, especially the half day battery life and great portability are nice. it's perfect for meetings, trainings and basically any place to take notes. it's small enough to bring places and big enough to support ms office, msvc, the whole networking drill and communications stuff simultaneously.
If those only had a decent graphics card. I'm holding out till Nvidia ION appears in netbooks.
...or maybe not. Bought a EEE PC 1000H with 2Gigs of RAM cheap(ish) today.
Needed something to take with me when I'm on holidays (climbing in France) and directly after that to BP (= something small, light and cheap). Should be enough for the ususal coding for GBA, leeching, IRCing, browsing and voting :)
Needed something to take with me when I'm on holidays (climbing in France) and directly after that to BP (= something small, light and cheap). Should be enough for the ususal coding for GBA, leeching, IRCing, browsing and voting :)
Btw: Any useful software/settings/whatever when using a subnotebook?
rare: not really - the obvious:
use lightweight software if you can.
e.g. foxit instead of bloated acrobat
µtorrent instead of azureus etc..
use lightweight software if you can.
e.g. foxit instead of bloated acrobat
µtorrent instead of azureus etc..
i'm still very happy with my eee 901! i use it a lot, especially the half day battery life and great portability are nice. it's perfect for meetings, trainings and basically any place to take notes. it's small enough to bring places and big enough to support ms office, msvc, the whole networking drill and communications stuff simultaneously.
sounds to me skrebbel thinks his eee is really boring but tries really hard to convince himself it was a "good" buy. yay!
my acer aspire one rocks.
it's not a subnotebook but the lg p310 i bought this year really rocks. compared to the
spec-equivalent mac book pro it's really cheap and still feels robust and well built.
in case someone wants to buy a small, yet powerful system...
and no, mine does not have these awful stripes. the lid is (glossy) black.
spec-equivalent mac book pro it's really cheap and still feels robust and well built.
in case someone wants to buy a small, yet powerful system...
and no, mine does not have these awful stripes. the lid is (glossy) black.
I have an Ericsson MC218 (a Psion 5 clone, bought with actual money) and a Nokia Communicator 9210i (dumpster-dived). And I'm sure that their batteries last many times longer than those used in these x86-based "subnotebooks" that are so trendy today.
stefan, correct! stronger yet, nearly all devices i use in everyday life aren't all that exciting! they're eh... devices.
i think only mac owners could ever make a comment about a tool, bought for a purpose, being "boring".
i think only mac owners could ever make a comment about a tool, bought for a purpose, being "boring".
true sceners sleep with their machines.
aftu, could you consider a different avatar? each time you post i happily think that ps is back, only to be disappointed later. thanks!
what happened to ps ?
yeah use this avatar
instead plz, so we all know who's talking :)

that would help, yes.