The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die [album]
category: general [glöplog]
the only weakness i can find is that it has rather few songs

Hey, i remember this old demo, with a 'stick guy' dancing, what's is name ?
Thank heavens that Okkie and other people to whom "being relevant" (to whom?) is far more important than writing good music, doesnt actually matter an iota in the real world. from just one of many rave reviews:
The Prodigy aren’t rewriting the rulebook on their new album, but since they wrote it in the first place, that’s no bad thing
I couldnt have said it better myself. This is the first "The Prodigy" album since jilted. outgunned was pretty good, but it was Liam's pet project. This is The Prodigy just as I always loved them. Why reinvent what allready works? The last electronica act to reinvent themself decended into fail *cough*pendulum*cough*.
The simple four to the floor rock-structure of the tracks is a welcome breath of fresh air imo. Too many people try to cover bad music by making it overly techincal, as if some fancy bridges and buildups can hide bad music. The whole album could have been made in reason (and properbly was too, given Liams love for this software) and that is just awsome!
I'm sold entirely. This album will be on repeat on myPod for a while, and properbly on repeat on dancefloors throughout the world too.
95 rave sound? in the same way that The prodigy inspired pendulum is so. which means, not at all. But with the vibe from then that was so awsome and uplifting.
(jeg elsker dog også dig Okkie! selvom du har en forfærdelig ringe musik smag <3)
The Prodigy aren’t rewriting the rulebook on their new album, but since they wrote it in the first place, that’s no bad thing
I couldnt have said it better myself. This is the first "The Prodigy" album since jilted. outgunned was pretty good, but it was Liam's pet project. This is The Prodigy just as I always loved them. Why reinvent what allready works? The last electronica act to reinvent themself decended into fail *cough*pendulum*cough*.
The simple four to the floor rock-structure of the tracks is a welcome breath of fresh air imo. Too many people try to cover bad music by making it overly techincal, as if some fancy bridges and buildups can hide bad music. The whole album could have been made in reason (and properbly was too, given Liams love for this software) and that is just awsome!
I'm sold entirely. This album will be on repeat on myPod for a while, and properbly on repeat on dancefloors throughout the world too.
95 rave sound? in the same way that The prodigy inspired pendulum is so. which means, not at all. But with the vibe from then that was so awsome and uplifting.
(jeg elsker dog også dig Okkie! selvom du har en forfærdelig ringe musik smag <3)
bill: stickman's world
Just my five cents - "Omen (Reprise)" would be the best track on this album, if they made it full-lenght song with decent bass and beat.
isn't that like saying, anything would be the best track if they made it full-length song with decent bass and beat? =)
The last electronica act to reinvent themself decended into fail *cough*pendulum*cough*.
Are you one of those that call all electronic music Electronica? Cause the term Electronica in Europe means stuff like Boards of Canada, Autechre, Mouse on Mars...
Prodigy is Rave/Dance, Pendulum is Kiddie-Pop.
I also feel like mentioning Black Sun Empire and Noisia in this thread, because they deserve to be noticed more than the other two bands.
gargaj: Check the Noisia-remix of "Omen" - kicks brutally.
While we're on demos with The Prodigy, let's not forget Switchback which features the most blatant "Voodoo People"-sampling since the dawn of time. Also, one of the samples (I think the beat-loop?) was pitched wrong, so that it didn't loop correctly. Horribly annoying. :)
While we're on demos with The Prodigy, let's not forget Switchback which features the most blatant "Voodoo People"-sampling since the dawn of time. Also, one of the samples (I think the beat-loop?) was pitched wrong, so that it didn't loop correctly. Horribly annoying. :)
The simple four to the floor rock-structure of the tracks is a welcome breath of fresh air imo. Too many people try to cover bad music by making it overly techincal, as if some fancy bridges and buildups can hide bad music. The whole album could have been made in reason (and properbly was too, given Liams love for this software) and that is just awsome!
I'm absolutely fine with the fact that you like your music easy and bland, it just doesn't work for me :)
(And yes, yes I have horrible taste because I don't dig on your old teencrush band, sue me :) )
I listened to a few songs yesterday, it's not as terrible as never outgunned but it still sounds like Pendulum if Pendulum were a bunch of 40 year olds.
Eh, if it makes you happy, it makes you happy.
Makes me happy too !
gargaj: Check the Noisia-remix of "Omen" - kicks brutally.
the fact that i gave it to you must've flown over your head eh? :D
okkie, you mean this sounds like pendulum would have sounded like if they had edge and balls. But by all means please do tell me musical simpleton, what is good -and lest we forget relevant (whatever that means)- breakbeat music according to you, if not the prodigy, who defined the genre? who has taken the style they introduced to the next level?
"Are you one of those that call all electronic music Electronica"
yeah, and I am fully entitled to do so. Moby coined the phrase for his techno to avoid the 'techno' label because it had become dirtied by abuse in the 90's. I like it better than the all encompassing "dance music", because 'dance music' was dirtied in the late 90's by scandinavia. but go ahead, be anal about it! :p
"Are you one of those that call all electronic music Electronica"
yeah, and I am fully entitled to do so. Moby coined the phrase for his techno to avoid the 'techno' label because it had become dirtied by abuse in the 90's. I like it better than the all encompassing "dance music", because 'dance music' was dirtied in the late 90's by scandinavia. but go ahead, be anal about it! :p
gargaj: Heh, it was either you or lug00ber - but come to think of it, you're the pirate indeed. ;)
eebliss: I hate the all-filler "electronica" label, especially since it's used specifically for "Boards of Canada" and stuff like that (which is cool music, but it's not even in the same genre at The Prodigy or Pendulum or Noisia or whatnot).
eebliss: I hate the all-filler "electronica" label, especially since it's used specifically for "Boards of Canada" and stuff like that (which is cool music, but it's not even in the same genre at The Prodigy or Pendulum or Noisia or whatnot).
But by all means please do tell me musical simpleton, what is good -and lest we forget relevant (whatever that means)- breakbeat music according to you, if not the prodigy, who defined the genre? who has taken the style they introduced to the next level?
I never said the Prodigy were never good. Don't put words in my mouth son! Of course the Prodigy defined the breakbeat genre in the early 90s. But that doesn't give them a free pass to "awesomeland" forever. I find their stuff after 1997 to be tepid at best. Might be taste, might be a certain time frame.
And to the next level? I do think Pendulum did with Hold Your Colour. When Drumnbass was being the same rattling aggressor it has been for nearly 2 decades, they brought it back to a bigger crowd.
Same goes for Burial (eventhough dubstep is probably another ballgame) and Noisia.
And the only thing I meant with relevance is that some music is very much time frame specific. You don't find a lot of artists making nu-skool breakbeat these days, no do you? This doesn't mean that they shouldn't make it, because who am I to dictate what music someone should make. But it makes it absolutely not interesting to me.
Then again, there are lots of old breakbeatloops being used in the new fidget, juke and crunkhouse releases, so who knows! The break might be coming back!
I won't shit on your parade any longer. Go enjoy your record, just accept that I won't :)
What album shall we discuss next on the bbs?
Doesn't matter. As long as there is nerd rage and walls of text. ;)
Okkie, I allready did, it was the shit on parade thing i found annoying. :)
Rob..virus (ed rush and optical) has a new album comming out. that?`
Rob..virus (ed rush and optical) has a new album comming out. that?`
In my opinion, the whole Album is a bit too 1998! Besides having a stupid name, the song "Invaders must die" begins promising and turns out to be the weakest pseudorave synthie shit of all times. "Omen" is ok, not great though, and the video is just a mess. "Take me to the hospital" sounds as if it wasy taken from the "Jilted Generation" album - in a positive way. The same with "Warriors Dance" but this time in a very negative sense as it sounds like a song for the next Tunderdome Volume MCXVXVWTF. Although a bit boring, clearly, the only track that brings some fresh wind into the album is "Stand Up".
Yeah, "Thunder" and "Run with the Wolves" are great tracks, no doubt.
All in all a nice to have album, not more, not less.
Yeah, "Thunder" and "Run with the Wolves" are great tracks, no doubt.
All in all a nice to have album, not more, not less.
the only track that brings some fresh wind into the album is "Stand Up"
which is basically Fatboy Slim without the appeal :D
hashdash: "Stand Up" is a great "Fatboy Slim"-track, but I wasn't exactly expecting to find it on a Prodigy album :)
There you go... even worse!
But yeah, Stand Up might very well be the best track from the whole album.