Pictures of Amiga computers you must see before you die
category: general [glöplog]

My own:

My old:

This thread could only go downhill after that first picture.
Skope: where do your legs go?
Skope: where do your legs go?
Skope: where do your legs go?
He folds them behind his ears?
psionice: Downhill ofcourse...
I get it now. I thought they were speakers on either side of the screen, not footrests :D
Actually my desk was like that when i last had an amiga, but it was by my bed and I added a pc keyboard so it wasn't necessary to sit sideways. It wasn't so pretty as that though, either the new one or the old one :/
Actually my desk was like that when i last had an amiga, but it was by my bed and I added a pc keyboard so it wasn't necessary to sit sideways. It wasn't so pretty as that though, either the new one or the old one :/
psionice: Actually that placement is pretty temporary, I'm hunting for a new desk and that cupboardthingy is bound for the junkyard. Main reason being, yeah my legs are hurtin'! ;)
Uhh... dunno why I keep misspelling yer handle psonice. :D

my amiga
proteque: yikes! loads of features, though.

I'm currently rebuilding a 1200 with a "picopsu" inside the amiga and just a 2.5HD + some PPC accelerator+bvision, all that inside the original 1200 case, bye bye nasty towers and fat buggy psu.
Hehe, my last a1200 was a "tower" job.. with just the one small problem. The motherboard didn't fit in the case.
Solution: Leave the side of the case off, mount the motherboard onto a piece of cardboard with sticky tape, mount the cardboard onto the side of the tower with sticky tape. Yep, bare motherboard taped to the side of the case, with cables going into the case for psu, cdrom + hdd, and various wires soldered onto the board for a PC keyboard. I wish i had pictures of it :D
Solution: Leave the side of the case off, mount the motherboard onto a piece of cardboard with sticky tape, mount the cardboard onto the side of the tower with sticky tape. Yep, bare motherboard taped to the side of the case, with cables going into the case for psu, cdrom + hdd, and various wires soldered onto the board for a PC keyboard. I wish i had pictures of it :D

And the very dark grey one:

Commodore logo is not glued on yet, so it looks a bit dodgy. Maybe I'll put something else there...

Commodore logo is not glued on yet, so it looks a bit dodgy. Maybe I'll put something else there...
Nice thread :-)
didn't remember amigas (1200) look that nice. Think I must buy one only for stylistic reasons.. :)
Slummy: Please explain... ;D