category: general [glöplog]
Cause someone had to start this thread..

Raubmordkopierer sind unter uns!
Knüppel auf'n Kopp und rein in den Sack!
Arcane: I tried to listen to the SR-stream but listening to the procecution listing printouts of names of torrents and the amount of seeders and leechers and how many Swedish IPs there were in the list.. well, it was murder. Still, this is the buildup to the real trial where the procection is listing their evidence, so it will probably go on for a while.
Since TPB is accused of being complicit in a crime, but since there exists no prescedence in this case, the "crime" has to be established first. In this case, they are making the case that using TPB via Torrent is illegal because you are both downloading (taking) and uploading (sharing) copyrighted material. If they do not manage to prove that this in itself is a crime, then the case against TPB will have to be dismissed. At least, that is how I understood it. :)
Oh, and the drawing above, while amusing, is stupid. :)
Property is also intellectual property, it doesn't have to be something physical.. something I guess the pro-piracy people should have a good grasp on by now. :) When it comes to TPB and this case, the pro-piracy people are equal (or greater) in their douchebaggery to their anti-piracy counterparts. It's great fun :)
Since TPB is accused of being complicit in a crime, but since there exists no prescedence in this case, the "crime" has to be established first. In this case, they are making the case that using TPB via Torrent is illegal because you are both downloading (taking) and uploading (sharing) copyrighted material. If they do not manage to prove that this in itself is a crime, then the case against TPB will have to be dismissed. At least, that is how I understood it. :)
Oh, and the drawing above, while amusing, is stupid. :)
In criminal law, theft (also known as stealing or filching) is the illegal taking of another person's property without that person's freely-given consent.
Property is also intellectual property, it doesn't have to be something physical.. something I guess the pro-piracy people should have a good grasp on by now. :) When it comes to TPB and this case, the pro-piracy people are equal (or greater) in their douchebaggery to their anti-piracy counterparts. It's great fun :)
I can almost imagine how back in 1712, Edward Teach rammed his ship into the side of a royal frigate, and yelled "YARRRR! Avast, ye scurvy dogs, it is time for me hearties to plunder the starboard and copy all of ye doubloons!"
Does virginity count has intelectual property? =)
when your neighbour starts running his server farm on your electricity bill, you may find the nuance in wording a lot subtler...
(cause someone has to stir things up a bit ;) )
when your neighbour starts running his server farm on your electricity bill, you may find the nuance in wording a lot subtler...
(cause someone has to stir things up a bit ;) )
Oh, and Gloom: I'm fully aware of the fact that the above drawing is stupid, but amusing. ;)
Well, you can always start playing with terms and define them any way you want to make any word apply to any situation imaginable. The main point of the image, and one that still stands is that piracy has very different effects compared to theft as traditionally understood and the laws that make it illegal are not the same ones.
Gloom: Your argument on the piggie-poster is IMO just as silly. It is VERY beneficial for the big IP holders to make IP-theft synonymous to theft of physical objects. The fact that this term extends to IP-theft in criminal law (by a very dubious interpretation of a Wikipedia-definition, might I add), does not mean that this holds true in day-to-day conversation. I'm not so sure if making these two fundamentally different concepts synonymous is as beneficial to Joe-Schmoe as it is to the big IP holders (if at all). The important difference IS the replication-part, which the piggie-poster (while being silly, sure) points out nicely.
yeah I thought we decided on that years ago and people are STILL discussing it?
what is it you people don't understand? it's really that simple!
You can rip/spread/copy my demos/videos/photos/whatever as much as you like, as long as you mention the source. I will do it to you too and I will mention the source when doing so. I will give you money if I really like something you made and you're willing to give me something in trade. I'm also happy to take your money, although I don't have anything to give back (at least yet ;)). And you could be a poor artist or a big media corporation, makes no difference to me (except that i rather spend my money on poor artists' work).
You can rip/spread/copy my demos/videos/photos/whatever as much as you like, as long as you mention the source. I will do it to you too and I will mention the source when doing so. I will give you money if I really like something you made and you're willing to give me something in trade. I'm also happy to take your money, although I don't have anything to give back (at least yet ;)). And you could be a poor artist or a big media corporation, makes no difference to me (except that i rather spend my money on poor artists' work).
but spending money on poor artists' work eventually makes them big artists, so you're ruining it for everyone that way :)
Kusma: Yes of course - one part tries to re-define "theft", while the other part tries to re-define it in the other direction - both wrongly. If I made a movie which was commercialy available and someone copied it (not breaking into my house and taking the only master files) and made it available on TPB, I'd say that's still theft/stealing. If someone copies that, it is also theft/stealing, because the original work was available for purchase.
Of course, the argument from the movie and music industry that every copy = the value of the CD/DVD is utter bullshit. If I download "Random Generic Seth Rogen Movie 5" via TPB, the people who made it haven't lost any money, because I would never see it in the cinema or buy the DVD anyway. That sort of thinking has to end.
Rainmaker: Which is what the big corporations should have thought and made an agreement with TPB on revenue sharing. Per-item pricing is dead anyway. What it all boils down to is distribution channels - the record and movie industry wants to control them, but they can't. Now we just have to wait and see if they accept this conclusion before we're all deemed criminals for using the internet. :)
Of course, the argument from the movie and music industry that every copy = the value of the CD/DVD is utter bullshit. If I download "Random Generic Seth Rogen Movie 5" via TPB, the people who made it haven't lost any money, because I would never see it in the cinema or buy the DVD anyway. That sort of thinking has to end.
Rainmaker: Which is what the big corporations should have thought and made an agreement with TPB on revenue sharing. Per-item pricing is dead anyway. What it all boils down to is distribution channels - the record and movie industry wants to control them, but they can't. Now we just have to wait and see if they accept this conclusion before we're all deemed criminals for using the internet. :)
gloom: I am *so* going to steal your product!
Gloom: Yeah i agree. I don't actually think that IP is cancer (after all I demand that "BY" is mentioned whenever someone uses our IP), but how it's enforced (or atleast tried to) is cancer.
(unless you are some whale-resembling scandinavian tard who actually enjoys living in their very privately distorted c64/amiga variation of the real world)
(unless you are some whale-resembling scandinavian tard who actually enjoys living in their very privately distorted c64/amiga variation of the real world)
TPB = The Pimp Brigade :D
I haven't touched my mp3 collection since I got spotify, and the artists not presented on spotify I just stopped listening to, so free stuff obviously works if done right.
Next up: movies. Then I don't have to use tpb ever again. TPB really makes this movement towards other alternatives than a plastic disc much faster and for that I salute them.
But when I download a torrent I know I'm doing something illegal, but I do not think the guys behind the links are to blame.
Here is a brilliant speech with Chris Andersson over this topic: http://bambuser.com/channel/Media+Evolution+2009/broadcast/64073
Next up: movies. Then I don't have to use tpb ever again. TPB really makes this movement towards other alternatives than a plastic disc much faster and for that I salute them.
But when I download a torrent I know I'm doing something illegal, but I do not think the guys behind the links are to blame.
Here is a brilliant speech with Chris Andersson over this topic: http://bambuser.com/channel/Media+Evolution+2009/broadcast/64073
Warez the phuture!
All kind of private exploitation is theft!
In the sense that what exists in this world belongs to all of us and so-called intellectual property, or software is no exception to that.
Warez the phuture!
All kind of private exploitation is theft!
In the sense that what exists in this world belongs to all of us and so-called intellectual property, or software is no exception to that.
Warez the phuture!
nitpicking, but in german the term is "raubkopie" which is not correct "raub" is taking things away with force, which is not the case here. the correct term would be "kopierdiebstahl" or something. but, well...
Nonono, you rob them of the opportunity to sell you a copy for $$$$.
So, for example, if want $100 to tell you the secret that 1+1=2, you are naturally stealing money from me when you tell everyone else that fact. After all, I could have earned millions!
(Yes, I'm oversimplifying here, but who cares, it's pouet)
So, for example, if want $100 to tell you the secret that 1+1=2, you are naturally stealing money from me when you tell everyone else that fact. After all, I could have earned millions!
(Yes, I'm oversimplifying here, but who cares, it's pouet)