Am I loosing it...?
category: general [glöplog]
just not your job - find another.

I lost my job recently (due to economic problems on my company, nothing to do with my work, or being late for the matter), and it's proving hard to get a new one... companies are just not hiring around where I am, or they seek for cheap dirty jobs (i'd rather be getting unemployment fare than accepting those salaries)...
I don't know how work is in Europe, but at least in my region... you'd probably be better paid and have better hours at Burger King or McDonald's (that's for dubmood) than being a programmer or analyst at some consulting company. And I'm no kidding on this one.
I don't know how work is in Europe, but at least in my region... you'd probably be better paid and have better hours at Burger King or McDonald's (that's for dubmood) than being a programmer or analyst at some consulting company. And I'm no kidding on this one.
for a change, dubmood has leading.
jcl, wow. that sucks. what region is that? madrid or sth?
trixter have you tried Kava? Don't get the ridiculous tinctures and pills, and what have you. it is a waste of money and a waste of time. The only minus I can think of regarding Kava is that it tastes like lawnmower trimings mixed with terpentine and pepper. The effect it gives after you have taken the grog a few times are however unbeatable. It is natural tranquilizer, not legal party dope or anything, and it is absolutely awsome! It is said to boost cognitive skills aswell, I dunno, I think I'm the same tosser I always was, but I am definately much more mellow, and things tend to bother me less, better patience too. repetive stuff you feel nothing for becomes less tiresome.
If you take a lot of it, you properbly should not drive a car. It does not intoxicate as such, but there is 'a noticable difference' and at extremely high dossages you start to wobble around like jello. But the thearapeutic dossage is around 70-200mg for 'i dont give a shit'. 250-350 for 'instant ZZzzzZZZZzzz' and if you want to get krunk as described above between 500-2500mg kavalactones will do the trick.
If you take a lot of it, you properbly should not drive a car. It does not intoxicate as such, but there is 'a noticable difference' and at extremely high dossages you start to wobble around like jello. But the thearapeutic dossage is around 70-200mg for 'i dont give a shit'. 250-350 for 'instant ZZzzzZZZZzzz' and if you want to get krunk as described above between 500-2500mg kavalactones will do the trick.
skrebbel: this is Murcia... Madrid is a bit better as in how much work there is... but about the consultancy salary, it's about the same (plus, prices for things like houses [both rents and property] are like 3x, if not more than Murcia)
For comparison... the usual salary range for an analyst or senior programmer (junior programmers are out of the question here, their salaries are a joke), on a standard IT consulting/outsourcing company here, ranges from 12.000 to 18.000 euro raw / year (that's before taxes and social healthcare). I can give you many links to job seeking portals if you don't believe this (I know it's hard to).
The net of that is 778€ (for 12,000) and 1064€ (for 18,000) a month (after paying taxes) on a standard job contract.
These consulting companies offer an 8 hours/day job, but it's not unusual having to work over 10 hours a day, and many weekends (don't ever think they'll be paying you any extra for that).
I don't know the raw before taxes salaries at McDonald's or BK... but I have a friend working there which gets around 900 euro / month on 8 hours a day -exact-... and he's a new one... I know for a fact that managers easily get 1100 to 1400 euro / month (and being a manager at BK or McDonalds is just about staying there for over 1 or 2 years, depending on the shop).
I'm not making these figures up, and they can be easily checked... so, at least in Spain, don't take BK or McDonald's job are bad for granted... in many cases, they might be better than a highly qualified IT job.
IT industry just sucks here.
The net of that is 778€ (for 12,000) and 1064€ (for 18,000) a month (after paying taxes) on a standard job contract.
These consulting companies offer an 8 hours/day job, but it's not unusual having to work over 10 hours a day, and many weekends (don't ever think they'll be paying you any extra for that).
I don't know the raw before taxes salaries at McDonald's or BK... but I have a friend working there which gets around 900 euro / month on 8 hours a day -exact-... and he's a new one... I know for a fact that managers easily get 1100 to 1400 euro / month (and being a manager at BK or McDonalds is just about staying there for over 1 or 2 years, depending on the shop).
I'm not making these figures up, and they can be easily checked... so, at least in Spain, don't take BK or McDonald's job are bad for granted... in many cases, they might be better than a highly qualified IT job.
IT industry just sucks here.
_TrXtR_ : Your not loosing it, management just sux. Abit like the same happend to me. I was keeping machines running in some kind of factory. There was me and another dude and we switched our duty's everyday. While he was always playing with his playstation portable and stuff, i was the one that got sacked randomly one day and he got a contract to stay.
No one of the other employes understood why, cuz they even saw that he was a slacker etc...
Im glad I got away from that piece of shit job when i think of it now :)
Point is, that kind of random stuff just happens, and when management got an eye on you "as in coming late" they instantly turn to this person when things dont go that well.
Anyway, good luck with everything.
No one of the other employes understood why, cuz they even saw that he was a slacker etc...
Im glad I got away from that piece of shit job when i think of it now :)
Point is, that kind of random stuff just happens, and when management got an eye on you "as in coming late" they instantly turn to this person when things dont go that well.
Anyway, good luck with everything.
btw, i'm seriously thinking about applying for McDonald's :-)
Nah, not really, but I've started looking at other directions for making a career out of the IT field... i have 12 years professional experience in the IT industry, and it doesn't look it's taking me anywhere in this country.
Leaving the country is out of the equation for the moment... my soon-to-be wife (in october) is a lawyer, and it's not easy for her to move to other country (laws are different and her university degree doesn't directly apply on other countries, she needs to go back to study if we do move)... but i've thought about it many times.
Ah well. We'll see where life gets us, I guess :)
Nah, not really, but I've started looking at other directions for making a career out of the IT field... i have 12 years professional experience in the IT industry, and it doesn't look it's taking me anywhere in this country.
Leaving the country is out of the equation for the moment... my soon-to-be wife (in october) is a lawyer, and it's not easy for her to move to other country (laws are different and her university degree doesn't directly apply on other countries, she needs to go back to study if we do move)... but i've thought about it many times.
Ah well. We'll see where life gets us, I guess :)
Looks like my idea of going to Spain isn't that good then... ;)
rare: if for the IT industry, then no... if for the weather, chicks, and overall mood, then yes... no place like Spain to live on (another reason I don't really want to move :-) )
damn, if i knew! and people outsource their IT to india if spain could've been so much easier! same timezone, no 50cm of mud on the street, donsi, ...
jcl, start an IT outsourcing company and make those other losers work at <McD salaries for you and sell it to norwegians and swedes.
jcl, start an IT outsourcing company and make those other losers work at <McD salaries for you and sell it to norwegians and swedes.
I was thinking of going to Tenerife some month ago, because I have some friends there and I absolutely loved the time I had there and the people.
I'd love to live somewhere with a nice climate, lots of climbing possibilites and awesome girls... And hey, the gas is cheap too ;)
But there's not much jobs there in IT and as you said, they pay a lot less, so I'm stuck in northern Germany with this shitty snow-rain. ;)
Look at the bright side. If you're married, you'll at least pay less taxes when you have a job...
I'd love to live somewhere with a nice climate, lots of climbing possibilites and awesome girls... And hey, the gas is cheap too ;)
But there's not much jobs there in IT and as you said, they pay a lot less, so I'm stuck in northern Germany with this shitty snow-rain. ;)
Look at the bright side. If you're married, you'll at least pay less taxes when you have a job...
@Jcl: Sounds exactly like greece :P
you're over an hour late every day and wondering why you're getting fired? rethink that, then try again.
Now wondering, I know :D
maybe you don't like to hear it, but the way you present yourself is crucial, often the most crucial of all. maybe, if you work on how others (i.e. potential bosses) perceive you, you can get a more decent job than a being crapcode maintenance programmer while you're at looks like skill isn't the problem; unfortunately maybe, skill isn't the only virtue either.
Well that's the thing, Ive been getting excellent positions for a very long time. I think this is the first time though that I am forced to deal with the situation.
buy a suit, get a haircut, get one of those alarm clocks that roll under the bed and hide when you snooze, etcetera. eat healthy if you're not doing so. go to bed on time. etc. really, it helps :)
My girlfriend is moving in with me now. I'll be adjusting my lifestyle to match hers... You are right, I dont like to hear it, but your still right, so I listen :)
I dont need to apply to burger king. Our job market is thriving with possibilities, and none of my clients and bosses would ever disagree with my skill. So as much as it will be difficult, I will find something else, I have no doubt about that.
trixter have you tried Kava?
Definately gonna see what it's about, but it sounds like that lawnmower you describe went straight through a weed plantation :D But... worst comes to worst, I could write an api that injects the stuff into main vain every night at 11. Cant beat automation :-D
Oh and in this country... my skin is of wrong color to get a job at McDonalds :)
Now wondering, I know :D === Not wondering, I know :D even if you're in a dire strait, we'll correct your english.
hehe, it can't be compared to weed tho. I personally think Kava is far more pleasant. oh yeah, one more piece of advice on kava. It seems to boost the effects of caffeine quite a bit. I find that it is a bad mix that causes insomnia and sweaty palms, but take caffeine out of the equation and inner nirvana is your's for the taking whenever you need it.
Try to get angry on Kava. You can't. This image demonstrates exactly 1:1 what Kava makes you feel like.
but without being intoxicating on the mind in other ways. This shit should be put in the water supply!
Try to get angry on Kava. You can't. This image demonstrates exactly 1:1 what Kava makes you feel like.

but without being intoxicating on the mind in other ways. This shit should be put in the water supply!
Job has similarities to Girlfriend. Although finding a girlfriend is not vital for my survival. But job? I have to but I am lazy and procrastinate and every day I keep thinking of that. That way I realize how stupid it is to care about not having a girlfriend when all that matters for my survival and well being is a job.
A job, which I also don't pursue with much interest. I am doomed..