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Brokepoint - Breakpoint 2009 is in danger and needs YOUR support

category: general [glöplog]
I think he rather wanted to say that you can't rely on a sponsor, just because they supported you during the last x years.
BP seriously needs to tone down next year if there's no sponsoring. Cheaper and smaller instead of something bordering on a prestige project that right now has to be funded by individuals, which is rather silly.
added on the 2009-02-07 14:03:50 by superplek superplek
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added on the 2009-02-07 14:08:21 by el mal el mal
wie trollig
added on the 2009-02-07 14:18:33 by noname noname
ah, the first German to speak up against this outrage!
added on the 2009-02-07 14:20:38 by superplek superplek

At "real" demoparties 90% of the visitors aren't imported from another continent?

Dude, what?
added on the 2009-02-07 14:28:00 by Preacher Preacher
Ok? Considering the amount of sceners who keep complaining that the normal ticketprice of 55 euros is way too high, and the fact that BP has "social tickets", I'm pretty damn impressed with the willingness of the scene to support the party.

On a side note, I hope that the social ticket will remain for those that can't afford to come by any other way. Just because we are broke this year doesn't mean we can't be human :-)
added on the 2009-02-07 14:30:41 by thec thec
funilly enough, I wasn't even planning to get a social ticket this year as I have no need for it anymore...

and, I think the social tickets should stay, seeing as it's better to have (for example) 1000 people, 100 of whom bought a social ticket, than only having 900 people (and thus less party income to pay stuff from).

but maybe I'm seeing this wrong.
added on the 2009-02-07 14:38:01 by ___ ___
can someone shed a light on how the social ticket system works (when do you qualify etc) and what the price diff. is?
added on the 2009-02-07 14:45:06 by superplek superplek
that says nothing about what the prerequisites for reg. are :)
added on the 2009-02-07 15:12:26 by superplek superplek
Preacher, I have to admit I based the USA/european ratio at NVScene by looking at the slengpung pics...
Btw, the reason why we trusted on this years sponsoring even with the financial crisis clearly to be seen on the horizont already is this: We already had a sponsor deal and invoices written which would have covered 90% of the party cost in december. That's more financial security that we ever had, having the party financials secured 4 months prior to the party. But as we've seen no security is absolute in these times ;)

And we'll see what 2010 brings.

For 2009 the tendency is that we'll probably see quite a bunch of new small and middle-sized sponsors. Again, please spread the word on Breakpoint to companys that might be interested in contact with the scene. Sponsoring Breakpoint isn't really expensive, it's cheaper than a job advert in an IT magazine for example.
added on the 2009-02-07 15:17:08 by scamp scamp
horse renoir: The prerequisites are that you really have to need it. If it is financially impossible for you to visit the party without getting the supporter ticket, one may apply for it. We are doing basic sanity checks on this. Someone who is coming to Breakpoint by airplane sure won't need it, someone coming with a shared car trip or by hitchhiking possibly may etc.

We haven't decided yet if it will be financially possible to have the social ticket again for 2009, but we are heading for it.
added on the 2009-02-07 15:21:21 by scamp scamp
so you have a signed and sealed sponsor deal for tens of thousands of euros but you're not going to enforce it? maybe i'm strange, but i don't quite get that.
added on the 2009-02-07 15:21:44 by havoc havoc
i'm guessing the contract had some kind of opt-out scenario :)
added on the 2009-02-07 15:22:14 by superplek superplek
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added on the 2009-02-07 15:29:24 by arcane arcane
being poor is a choice!
added on the 2009-02-07 16:09:17 by superplek superplek
havoc: There is no way something like this can be "enforced". It's not like our partner did this on purpose, keep in mind he's a big supporter of the demoscene. Budgets get cut, that's life. And yes, sure, there is a legal aspect. But we are sitting in Europe, the partner is sitting in the USA. Sueing someone over there would not only kill each and every chance of ever getting support from there, it would also cost tons of money to do, and take years. Not really an option.

I'm not putting blame on our partner who has supported us in the past. Upper management has killed the budgets of those who we worked with due to the financial crisis, and they are just as affected about it as we are.
added on the 2009-02-07 16:14:29 by scamp scamp
Rob: pure maths - 6 seminar speakers, 3 organizers, and a few people came from europe on their own. attendance was around 120.
added on the 2009-02-07 16:30:40 by Gargaj Gargaj
imma pay the full entry-money this year, eventho i´m poor. the least i can do !
...two months to go...maybe i´ll even have 10-30 drinks less and put those euros into the pool ;
BP is worth it ! sorry for not being able to do more about it ;)

1. Get Sober
2. Get of Pouet.net
3. Get of your ass.
4. Collect cash
added on the 2009-02-07 16:54:13 by quisten quisten
gimme a job then ;) being sober with a job would be NO prob at all ;)
@Scamp: (I know I can't let this thing go) Wouldn't it be easier to get sponsors if they knew there would be a live video stream covering their sponsoring outside the party place?
added on the 2009-02-07 18:24:42 by Salinga Salinga


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