Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
CPMA prolly

dubmood: awsome logo!
bare vente quisten te eg lære meg sånn derre tegne data programm....så ska eg au laga sånn kule ting me ditt navn....jadå...heeeiiilt sant.....darklite meerting nå snart...må laga någe mongo då ja......SJØH!
its made by sharque / ACiD for my myspace
tft: visst faen :) drikke & kunsterere litt. da skal det lages mye kvalm
Thumbs up for the first bearable myspace page ever.
well personally ive always been a fan of the myspace page of gem tos but then she is so cool so that all mysapce crap bugs banners and shit just dissapears. I wich I was like her!
dubmood nice logo
gem tos has a good layout indeed
gem tos has a good layout indeed

please notice the one on the left side has a machine gun in his clawz!!
dubmood: yeah, really cool logo.
dubmood: tunes are also great. i love your sound. wanted just to check it and go to sleep, but still listnening it for quite some time :)


Probably fake! Doesn't the "1 second ago" means to the time it was posted? In that case, the screenshooter is either really quick or has posted this itself. s/means/refers
Still funny though
Lawn my yawn