google fried
category: general [glöplog]
Somebody noticed already
It's all over the (clogged) intertubes.

bug coming from
It was a stupid human error.
We periodically update that list and released one such update to the site this morning. Unfortunately (and here's the human error), the URL of '/' was mistakenly checked in as a value to the file and '/' expands to all URLs.
It was the freemasons' fault.
heh, i did that once.
sudo rm -r / opt/some-shit-i-didnt-need
sudo rm -r / opt/some-shit-i-didnt-need
why the hell is everyone still talking about this? wtf. old news, kthxbai.
why are ppl still talking about the c64? WHY?
"We assure you that the coder has been sacked".
You didn't notice, but google it's a computer ( AI )
It was a fucking human error
It was a fucking human error
Some website has a glitch, and people think the world is ending or something. It wasn't like this in my day!
Google didn't own your soul in your day. Chrome is spyware, and they collect behavior of groups of citizens. I don't use them, and they get no info about me. You should too.
I don't use them, [...]. You should too.
still i can only say... makes my way..