Do you like GBA stuff?
category: general [glöplog]
Optimus: I think you will need a GB Bridge for that.
Shit... here.
rare: I've just done NTSC captures. They're OKish IMO, but they do flicker a bit.
Kusma: Is the flicker because of the frame rate (59.737 vs. 59.94) not matching? Or what causes that? I can imagine that depending on the hardware used certain devices will have a frame rate that is a bit off and the NSTC input should be able to cope with that... I mean 0.2 Hz isn't that much...
Optimus: If you have the rom FILES you can run them with Goomba (color) on GBA. Works quite well.
Optimus: If you have the rom FILES you can run them with Goomba (color) on GBA. Works quite well.