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Sobec chose to leave us :(

category: general [glöplog]
Bye my friend, you'll be missed.
added on the 2009-01-19 00:30:17 by dixan dixan
Rest in peace mate,

i also had only few contacts to sobec ( irc-related ) but its hard to see that so many sceners took their own life in the last 2 years.

stop killing yourself guys, please !
OK, I beg you, fucking stop it! Isn't this enough already? How many of us needs to sacrifice oneself to one's problems?

I still recall that one moment, when I was at Breakpoint, I got into a little trouble, Sobec and DocD were the one to help me instead of kicking me out. And I didn't know, that Sobec needed help too.

You know it makes me sick, I was right next to him and I couldn't do anything about his problems, yet I was bothering him with mine. Fuck it, why would you kill yourself? Why not share and try to excel in your happiness?

Rest in peace, Sobec. May you be happier now...
added on the 2009-01-19 00:45:56 by decipher decipher
RIP. Best wishes to those left behind.
added on the 2009-01-19 00:48:55 by kusma kusma
decipher...sobec and i had infact much fun watching you puking on the floor dude. so no need for you to feel bothering him - we had lots of fun with you ;-)
added on the 2009-01-19 00:49:54 by _docd _docd
RIP :'( I'll miss you this easter.
added on the 2009-01-19 01:05:24 by loaderror loaderror
RIP & respect.
added on the 2009-01-19 01:15:09 by rp rp
"people who live like rock stars die like rockstars." -- paniq

since we have so many rock stars in our community, be prepared for a few suicides in the coming years. only the good die young, and we're all fucking elite.

best wishes to sobecs family, and i'll keep sobec in memory as the funny party lion that he loved to be and as the inventor of "HALLO! WAS?". cheers!

is it irony? sobec played this track in his BP dj sets and on IRC, he literally had it on repeat a few months ago. oh if we were only able to read the signs, ... we'd probably have made complete fools out of ourselves.

ah, i don't like this getting old thing. living the longest means seeing all the people you know leave before you. what an accomplishment.
added on the 2009-01-19 01:26:06 by paniq paniq
and sorry, i'm a bit drunk.
added on the 2009-01-19 01:26:23 by paniq paniq
I just heard it from a groupmate. Tim...WTF?

I last had email contact with him in November last year and since then...silence!

Rest in peace, my friend. Damn. :((((
added on the 2009-01-19 01:28:41 by Raven^NCE Raven^NCE
RIP Tim.
added on the 2009-01-19 01:31:50 by NoahR NoahR
RIP sobec... may you find what you were searching for...
i will miss you and the conversations that we had, even if we didn't talk for some time :( now it's much more bitter to have wasted so much time with silence.
i hope you are happy and free where you now are...
added on the 2009-01-19 01:33:45 by kleene kleene
raven: so he wasn't at TUM either?
added on the 2009-01-19 01:34:20 by Gargaj Gargaj
he wasn't :'(
added on the 2009-01-19 01:35:57 by _faith_ _faith_
RIP. That's a big loss. Both a personal one, and a very big one for the Breakpoint organzing team. While getting on my nerves in earlier times, he successfully worked on the things many people criticized about his character, and besides being what he always had been (a really nice human being) he during the last months managed to make being with him a pleasure. After this constant positive progress it's shocking for me to now see he's fallen.

During the last few months I was wondering why he chose to stay out of contact with the scene. In the past, the scene had helped him and formed a family for him, keeping him grounded.

In all honesty to other sceners who may be in personal trouble: USE what the scene is able to give you in times of crisis!
added on the 2009-01-19 01:50:53 by scamp scamp
A sad loss indeed.

I'd never spoken to him, unfortunately. But I was still gutted to hear of his departure. RIP.
added on the 2009-01-19 01:59:20 by mdx mdx
sigh, that was unexpected. Rest in peace tim, you always were a friend to me.
added on the 2009-01-19 02:01:27 by red red
Joy Division/Warsaw - Living In The Ice Age

second, scamp: that's nice to read.

paniq: i'm drunk, too.
added on the 2009-01-19 02:02:05 by xyz xyz
I know very few sceners personally. I have been involved as more of a 'spectator' role than as an artist, coder or musician. I appreciate demos and the artistry that they are. So the demoscene is and has been a positive part of my life since I discovered it in the late 80s.

That being said, I offer my condolences to all of Sobec's friends and his family.

It saddens me to read of such things. Everyone goes through hard times in life, myself included.

If taking your own life has ever crossed your mind, listen up. Read what Hermes and the others have said. Life is too damn short for you to shorten it and deprive yourself of better times to come. Rather than take your life, stop. Call, email, text, message or post to a friend. Speak to a family member. Listen to music. Make something. If you choose to check out, think of those things you will miss. People who you won't meet. The love and support your friends and family all have for you. The support all of the demoscene offers in so many ways. This large group of people is something very special. Take advantage of it. Lean on it. Count on it. Remember also that there are so many people that would miss out on your friendship, your presence, your ideas, your artwork or your music.

When I lost both of my parents the same year in 1995 from cronic illnesses, one of the things that helped me get through that year was the ability to sit down and listen to the unique music and watch the demos of that time. I played a lot of Descent. I talked to friends and I got through it. I am a better person for it.

So, if you ever consider it, Please don't. Set it aside and kick ass. Defeat whatever troubles you and move on to better times. Just never, ever, give up.

Apologies for the long-winded message, but if this sticks in someone's mind and saves just *one* life, it's very worth it.

added on the 2009-01-19 02:05:00 by ngtflyer ngtflyer
And well said ngtflyer.
added on the 2009-01-19 02:21:47 by zoom zoom
Well said! That was quite touching, and very true.

We all have bad things happen to us. It's life. You have to wait for the good times. Sometimes you have to wait a while, but they do come. There's many people that lose friends/family, have lung/liver/kidney problems, have extreme debt problems, an addiction to drugs/alcohol/gambling, etc etc. Life is shit sometimes, but you have to keep your head up and pull through it.

In my opinion, everyone lives the same quality of life. You may not have the best life currently. You'll most likely have problems. But somewhere down the line, your life will be the opposite. Also, don't envy those who are doing much better in life than you. Again, they'll hit a point where there life isn't doing so good and this is when you'll excel. Life is full of many twists and turns, but taking your own life to deal with them isn't the correct way.
added on the 2009-01-19 02:34:54 by mdx mdx
RIP Tim...

... but as touching as scamp's words are, I've got doubts if we as scene can really prevent things like these to happen. We had three major (as in: well known) suicides in the last 1.5 years alone, and at least two of them happened _despite_ a significant amount of sceners trying to catch those people. This is a disturbing trend and maybe, just maybe, it's all because people are getting older and the scene as kind of refuge from the turmoil of the real world just doesn't cut it anymore at a certain point in your life.

Still I'm with most others - there is just too much to miss if you decide to throw away the only thing you really have. Just... don't.
added on the 2009-01-19 02:43:12 by kb_ kb_
kb: as uncomfortable as it is, I guess you hit the mark.

scene won't save you. sorry.

in the end, you'll have to save yourself, that's your only option.

there is, however, a bunch of friendly people around here who will share their knowledge about universe, life, and what you can make of it.
added on the 2009-01-19 02:57:32 by xyz xyz
it's the same as health - you only realize how great being healthy is when you're sick.
maybe the scene did save some people - it's just that staying alive is not an event as opposed to dying.
added on the 2009-01-19 03:02:22 by Gargaj Gargaj
Rest in peace.
added on the 2009-01-19 03:07:28 by willbe willbe


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