history of games, game controllers and game control concepts
category: general [glöplog]
Hi, I would like to find some nice documents describe history of games and documents especially talk about history of game control, game controllers and game control concepts. If someone of you fellas does know any pages, point me there. Thank you
If you want a really nice website with all the info you want, try this one.
First there was the paddle, and it was annoying
Then there came the joystick, and it was good.
Then games started to rely on keyboard and mouse, and it was acceptable.
Then funny console controllers came up and i stopped caring.
Then there came the joystick, and it was good.
Then games started to rely on keyboard and mouse, and it was acceptable.
Then funny console controllers came up and i stopped caring.
are you sure the paddle was created before the joystick ? :)
... And Nintendo said, Let there be Revolution : and there was the Wii.
thank you guys for yours fast replayes - some of them very funny like related, of couse i tried "uncle google" first, but as i concentred i would like to see some chronology timeline of game controlers created in time
i just want to know who came up with the name "joystick" and wtf was going through his (or probably her) head
_lilibox_: Wrong forum.
i just want to know who came up with the name "joystick" and wtf was going through his (or probably her) head
Well, wikipedia claims it was an early 20th century aviator. Seeing sexual innuendos in everything was not as common, back in 1910. Not to mention that the (japanese) gaming industry is the king of silly product names.
www.system16.com (arcade)

I remember a German penpal once wrote to me: "Nein, ich habe keinen Luststängel - jedenfalls keinen, den man so ohne Weiteres an den Computer anschließen könnte!"
shut up Adok, you dumb fool.
Hugi van der Heiden from Amsterdam. Oh, it's Hugo.
lilibox : it's not exactly what you're looking for but if you're into videogames history, you should take a look at this book, it's quite interesting: http://www.amazon.com/Supercade-Visual-History-Videogame-1971-1984/dp/0262524201/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1232210125&sr=1-1
Pulko: think Pong, think computer tennis, think magnavox odyssey

adok: well done, you know my real name woo! Sadly it's very close to Hugi yeah, but luckily i'm so awesome that it doesn't bother me at all!