the Ultimate Meeting 2008 - 28.12. - 30.12.2008
category: general [glöplog]
I'd come if I didn't have to work on Monday... :(

Can't find the compo machine config... demobox?
what's up with tum this year?
about 150 less registrations than 2006... are we going to have a half empty hall?
It's probably NVScene's fault, again... ;)
Can't find the compo machine config... demobox?
Core 2 Quad with Geforce 8800 GTX SLI and 2GB Ram (same as BP)
A1200/060 64MB :D
should the website be really displaying "It works!", the defualt apache index page when it does not time out? (seriously, what's wrong? :( )
should the website be really displaying "It works!", the defualt apache index page when it does not time out? (seriously, what's wrong? :( ) works perfectly here ...
maybe scripts disabled.
but there´s really a typo on the "competitions/demo"-page:
it says things like
Filesize limit: 4kb uncompressed.
Filesize limit: 64kb uncompressed.
i mean,eehhrm...
but there´s really a typo on the "competitions/demo"-page:
it says things like
Filesize limit: 4kb uncompressed.
Filesize limit: 64kb uncompressed.
i mean,eehhrm...
Uncompressed in the sense of "after unpacking the zip file containing your release".
i'd love to come.. everything seemed to work out perfectly :/ however the flu catched me quite bad two days ago :( so there's nothing left but wishing you a nice party!
same here...only that my flu lasts over 10 days already :/
all my money went into medication.
all my money went into medication.
yes, one week of flu here too... considering family and peeps at work all were first, they all say it lasts about 2 weeks :P
cocoon, wtf did you take? grippostad costs 3,50 each and 1,5 packs should usually cure a flu :)
at least i hope it does, because that's what i'm shoveling in since a few days as well.
at least i hope it does, because that's what i'm shoveling in since a few days as well.
Strange, flu generally takes 2 to 3 days to cure, without any meds.
DJefke: Usually people say "flu" when they are talking about chills and fever, but that's not real influenza. Real influenza is a severe disease and it can kill you.
what adok says is right...
...and i take grippostad aswell plus shit against my hammering_head plus "praxisgebühr" and other expenses i hadnt to count in before...i just had some other costs before i had only 50€ left before it started...and after normal costs like food etc. i cant afford tuM anymore...time to get a job in 2009 !
but i´ll be there (tUM) in some way ;)
...and i take grippostad aswell plus shit against my hammering_head plus "praxisgebühr" and other expenses i hadnt to count in before...i just had some other costs before i had only 50€ left before it started...and after normal costs like food etc. i cant afford tuM anymore...time to get a job in 2009 !
but i´ll be there (tUM) in some way ;)
oh and i used up 6carpets a ten pills already...3 times 2pills a day....10 days ! 7th carpet just opened...
You people are all weak!
haha, first time i´m ill in any way since 2001 or 02 ...and back then i´ve been homeless, slept outside in the winter !
Pharmazie is' was fuer Pussies.
Und was genau ist jetzt mit Deinem Teppich ?
Und was genau ist jetzt mit Deinem Teppich ?
bei mir heissen die pillen-dinger halt teppiche...ein pillen-teppich mit 10 pillen !
und ich würde mich wundern wenn du deinem arzt seinen rat abschlagen würdest, pillen zu fressen, wenn er dir sagen würde es könnte sonst tödlich enden ;)
ich mein, ich fress auch eigentlich NIE irgendwas...nochnichma gegen kopfschmerzen...aber mit nem herzfehler muss man bei ner influenza besonders aufpassen...das geht schnell nach hinten los...chekk doch ma wiki...suchbegriff: grippe
und ich würde mich wundern wenn du deinem arzt seinen rat abschlagen würdest, pillen zu fressen, wenn er dir sagen würde es könnte sonst tödlich enden ;)
ich mein, ich fress auch eigentlich NIE irgendwas...nochnichma gegen kopfschmerzen...aber mit nem herzfehler muss man bei ner influenza besonders aufpassen...das geht schnell nach hinten los...chekk doch ma wiki...suchbegriff: grippe
oohh, cant wait to again enjoy 3 days of german beer. Even though the Euro has increased with aprox 25% since Breakpoint, when you compare it to the NOK :(
(But I guess my whaleskin wallet will survive anyhow ;)
(But I guess my whaleskin wallet will survive anyhow ;)