Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
snoutmate: do page 666!
Random Image Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYme72w8dXk
hq version pleaze
Would be cool to make a random wallpaper generator which scavenged google for random images and used some kind of transformation to create a new image from them. Could make some cool stuff, especially if you did loads of weird image filtering options which would guarantee a certain diversity between the results.
Best Doom death arena wall texture ever
so the mysterious circle is the guy shouting at his cmputer. makes sense ;)
I Seriously watched the FULL MOVIE!
Its quite amazing howmany pictures the human brain can still reconized at that speed :)
Flashlight: It sure is!
The end of the video pwnz :P That shouting guy for almost half a second.
mind: blown
thnx snoutmate
thnx snoutmate

demoscenes 4chan ^^ lulz..
Who the fuck removed the rnd image vid? :(

Merry Xmas and happy new year, even if it's a bit too late

The images should be contained in this thread, because for some this thread could be worth several thousand $. If you know what I mean.
Well youtube sucks. Anyway here's direct link (140M) http://napalm.sf.cz/randomimagevideo.avi Hope my hosting will last.
great, everybody d/l it 5 times plz!
does it qualify for hosting on capped.tv? :)
Could be a wild demo all in itself. :P
The idea of the video of the images is a full thumb up...
Now do a de... no no do a video with the gif animation thread too!
Now do a de... no no do a video with the gif animation thread too!
Random image video @ youtube:
WHAT?!This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.