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Merry Christmas!

category: general [glöplog]
If Mary was a virgin and Mary was Jesus' mother, Jesus was a girl! Because in this case, Jesus could have been only generated via parthenogenesis, and that means that (s)he was a clone of her mother.

That's very nice. Go make a demo about it :)
added on the 2008-12-24 14:57:58 by Optimus Optimus

How did they do the 3d effect in the beginning of the video? Real life model?

Anyway, merry christmas.

How did they do the 3d effect in the beginning of the video? Real life model?

I asked exactly the same question! :)

Apparently it was rotoscoped - they filmed a real life model and then painted over the top of the movie frames. Really genius stuff!
added on the 2008-12-24 15:13:38 by Wade Wade
-Some Amiga-demo from the 90's I forgot the name of.
Had a low-quality movie on the 2nd disk that ends up at a cover of a magazine showing you the text '90210'.
If I remember correctly.
Or maybe the old Amiga-hackers were really into Beverly Hills and made more than one demo about that show.

Sounds similar to 242, although it's a Front 242 cd at the end.
added on the 2008-12-24 15:24:34 by Claw Claw
merry clysmas!
added on the 2008-12-24 15:34:49 by el mal el mal
added on the 2008-12-24 17:20:33 by v4nl4me v4nl4me
Many cubes under the triangle!
added on the 2008-12-24 17:56:50 by Salinga Salinga

Many cubes under the triangle!

:D Salinga <3
added on the 2008-12-24 18:05:18 by v3nom v3nom
feliz natal!!! :-*
added on the 2008-12-24 19:43:00 by qwesza qwesza
God Jul!
added on the 2008-12-24 20:59:54 by Zplex Zplex
God Jul förfan
added on the 2008-12-24 22:34:59 by orbiter orbiter
love is awesome :D

merry christmas :D

added on the 2008-12-24 22:54:45 by doc^21o6 doc^21o6
merry christmas, my favourite bunch of fools <3 :')
Sounds similar to 242, although it's a Front 242 cd at the end.

Close. Found the demo I was thinking of and it's Dove by Abyss. The whole Beverly Hills-thing seems to be a parody of 242 :)
BB Image
boredom toying with 3dsmax :)
added on the 2008-12-24 23:29:06 by el mal el mal
Merry christmas!
added on the 2008-12-25 09:42:10 by xeron xeron
merry x-mas to all sceners around the planet.

i have got a nice geek gadget. a beautiful OI Binary Time Clock. :) nice one.
added on the 2008-12-25 11:49:05 by dcclark dcclark

added on the 2008-12-25 21:29:59 by forestcre forestcre
and this one

i don't know what these are or where they came from, but despite the gloomy looking settings they're just strange and funny, not like some recent image thread activity grrrrr spuggl
added on the 2008-12-25 21:33:11 by forestcre forestcre
forestcre: http://www.kuntzmanor.com/
added on the 2008-12-25 21:55:07 by texel texel

Adok, we had that in school, 11th grade IIRC. Please try harder to impress us with your intelligence/knowledge.
added on the 2008-12-26 00:14:42 by Calexico Calexico
Even though this place is full of total lifeless dickheads, merry christmas!
added on the 2008-12-26 00:35:28 by darkus darkus
Nollaig Shona Daoibh
added on the 2008-12-26 00:47:02 by Baz Baz


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