The bandwidth of your penis
category: general [glöplog]
Even Barti wouldn't get such a brilliant idea.
Thats only for a single burst transmission. I think the average bandwidth over time is lower ;-)
The time required to start the transmission makes this unusable. I was hoping to find a more pleasant way of swapping. :)
also, the data is not in any maintainable order
They didn't count the packet loss ratio.
and the firewall
But idea of server built on such a technology makes me laugh
It's just the same data retransmitted 225 million times (for fault tolerance)
It wasnt crunched with powerpacker! :)
For regular Counter Strike player bandwidth is not important but the PING! I don't want to start a discussion how long is the ping in this case :D.
gajin: think of the server hosting locations! :D
... and when your girlfriend asks for a new pendrive ...
"why isn't mom running apache?"
bonzaj: I would no care about the ping, but about the pong...
eMule = bukkake?
andr00: lrn2biology
each spermcell is as akin to an other as two snowflakes are...
each spermcell is as akin to an other as two snowflakes are...
damn. meiosis ruins my compression ratio.
there may also be a lot of virus data in the transmission!
Not realy the same data transmitted all the time. But two sets transmitted over and over and over and over...... right?
wix: nop, not two of them are the same
but they are quite similar, i think there will be some repeating patterns in the data that should compress not too bad. depending on the mutation rate, a good compression algorithm should be able to squeeze this to, lets say, 100 mb, twice the size of a spermcell (regarding how the data is actually built) + x.