Looking for Game Designers
category: general [glöplog]
Looking for game designers for development of games for mobile phones.
Dynamic, young and challenging environment.
Ideal for all "old school" game fans!
Contact me at purvismarianne@hotmail.com if you are interested!
Dynamic, young and challenging environment.
Ideal for all "old school" game fans!
Contact me at purvismarianne@hotmail.com if you are interested!
You're looking for game designers in europe?
Uhm... why not look in europe? There are many good ppls but they hide! :P
o.k. you're right, few good ppls AND they hide! :P
Or maybe they just leave... :)
So they aren't anymore :)
So they aren't anymore :)
Why is it funny to look for game Designers in Europe. Are they an incredibily rare species?
Not bloody likely: Lostboys Games is getting there. They kinda rock, even though they still are developing their first blockbuster for some time. (the Jazz Jackrabbit don't really count)
I beg to differ...
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!!!!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!!!!
Mobile phones are too limited. No one wants a mobile phone for playing "great" games. Now, create a handheld C64..and maybe you might get some interest. Goodbye.
Peter Molyneux is from Mars, right ?
iconoclast, yeah, all two hundred c64 sceners would buy one!! a hole in the market!

There are a lot of good game designers in Europe. They are hiding in plain view. I'll sent your request to the management of my school, ok?
Mobile phones are too limited. No one wants a mobile phone for playing "great" games. Now, create a handheld C64..and maybe you might get some interest. Goodbye.
Ok if the above had been posted in 2001 as well i would've agreed. But damn, it's 2008 now and your average high end mobile phone isn't that crap anymore. (http://www.engadget.com/2008/11/28/nokia-quake-iii-gains-on-phone-server-bluetooth-keyboard-and-mo/)
what kind of nick is 'mali' anyway, gee!
I sometimes play this kind of memory game on my mobile phone. There's a bunch of cards and then you have to find pairs. Great fun!
there ARE good games for mobiles already,the thing for me is: I HATE EM! i trashed my last one and dont possess one anymore and aren´t going to get one anymore...so why should i code on/for it? if you´d asked for NDS or sth alike i would have been your man,cause i still like pixel-graphics etc..not that i know shit about those new handhelds codewise,dont possess any aswell,but it would have interested me,haha!
comin from Amiga i guess i could do that job!
comin from Amiga i guess i could do that job!
You guys shouldn't react to threads that are nearly 8 years old.
whoa, cxnull is a nekro and i fell for it...what are these timestamps for again? damnit,lol!
How much and where?
i just hope you contacted her via e-mail and found the love of your life,xernobyl ;)
damn nekros! but still nice its all still readable,so thanks to the hosts of pouet again!
damn nekros! but still nice its all still readable,so thanks to the hosts of pouet again!