Random "when game was done rite" thread.
category: general [glöplog]

Final Fight

Jaguar XJ220

Day of the Tentacle

Silent Hill 2

Grim Fandango


Bully (PS2 version is perfect, other versions are bugged to fuck)

Hitman Blood Money

A Vampyre Story

Dune, Parallax and Force 7 ... never managed to complete this game,
my father tried too, but there seem's to be no end.
Was great, tough. All three of them :)

Even today, still rates as one of the most immersive video game experiences I've had.

Yeah this could go on forever..

plz ppl post the names of the games under or above each screeny!
most of em are wellknown,but especially the newer ones arent anything like familiar to me and there have been plenty goodlooking screenies already,so PLZ,ktnxbye.
most of em are wellknown,but especially the newer ones arent anything like familiar to me and there have been plenty goodlooking screenies already,so PLZ,ktnxbye.

suffering and suffering ties that bind. first one is free to download. better than silent hill (less stupid plots and the series isn't 10 parts long, each with similar storyline and hero). silent hill is shit.

Pinball Fantasies ( Table 4 )

Giana Sisters

Trackmania Forever

Moria (The Amiga-Version w/GFX tho,i like the textmode-only way more!)
Downloadable here: http://beej.us/moria/

this is planescape torment

TEH Shoot'Em Up

rô-lala Pulsar <3

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