3D Scanning
category: general [glöplog]
I have a friend who asked me if there is a software to convert some clay figures into 3d meshes (He says for Cinema 4D). I first told him he need a 3d scanner or something (and that might come with software) and maybe they are expensive. But is there something I forget? Is there some software and with the use of a simple computer camera to be able to do this? Any suggestions to this guy?
From what I know, laser scanning can sometimes be a pain because of the optical properties of the material you're scanning - specular highlights, among others, will result in a "broken" point cloud.
You can spray paint your model in matte white, which improves the results, but that counts as destruction to me... So if you can afford it, I'd cut the model in thin slices (make sure to keep the orientation), and scan them with a scanner or digital camera + tripod !)
You can spray paint your model in matte white, which improves the results, but that counts as destruction to me... So if you can afford it, I'd cut the model in thin slices (make sure to keep the orientation), and scan them with a scanner or digital camera + tripod !)
Oh, and I just remembered this article which might actually be a big help :
In order to compensate for the lack of resolution of the actual final mesh, you can generate normal maps for the model from just a few cleverly lighted photos and a bit of post-treatment !
That, and Wikipedia has quite a list of working methods for 3D scanning...
Some people have been creating 3D models from video, with some extent of manual labor.
And I finally found the University of Washington web page of the dudes that invented Photosynth for Microsoft. You should check it out for sure.
I hope this helps. Good day !
In order to compensate for the lack of resolution of the actual final mesh, you can generate normal maps for the model from just a few cleverly lighted photos and a bit of post-treatment !
That, and Wikipedia has quite a list of working methods for 3D scanning...
Some people have been creating 3D models from video, with some extent of manual labor.
And I finally found the University of Washington web page of the dudes that invented Photosynth for Microsoft. You should check it out for sure.
I hope this helps. Good day !
Digital camera + Strata foto 3d
How well it works depends on the form of the object, but I had some good results as shown here
How well it works depends on the form of the object, but I had some good results as shown here
A few years back there was discussion on this and also a few programs listed that would do just that. You took photo's from several angles, scanned them in and the program would convert it into a mesh. Can't remember what it was called though have a search of these boards may help.
That VideoTrace thing is very cool!
Maybe also check here:
Maybe also check here:
Other partly related cool stuff:
This also seems pretty cool:
This also seems pretty cool: