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Runtime Error

category: general [glöplog]
How can i run old demos [& games] that were designed for old pc's like 386/486 - on PIII/P4 ?
[i get this: Runtime Error 200 at 1CD9:0091]
is there a certain emulator for that? -- to emulate the old cpu structure or somthing... [i got the same error when i wanted to play tyrian on my P4-2.66HT-512DDR400...]
added on the 2003-12-26 14:41:01 by JoJo JoJo
You need the borland crt unit fix. Google is your friend.
added on the 2003-12-26 14:49:42 by tomaes tomaes

I never really watched more than 200 DOS demos yesterday. I lied! The reason was the many of them didn't run, numerous displayed that runtime error, but tppatch didn't worked then just because I had first to use uncompression tools which I didn't have. And double the pain in the ass to first uncompress and then use tppatch. I would only do this if I really wanted to see a specific demo.

So, you need tppatch from the toolbox but perhaps some times EXE uncompression tools will be needed.

I think Crystal Dreams 2 display the same and it's impossible to cure with tppatch too. Because it must be compressed too, probably with something that people don't know..
added on the 2003-12-26 14:57:50 by Optimus Optimus
So, Pascal fucks up in something more than a plain Pentium. Quickbasic and it's produced executables still run under WinXP.

added on the 2003-12-26 14:59:48 by Optimus Optimus
jojo, even with such fixes, it'll be hard to run oldies on your new box. easiest solution is getting some p200 with a good 2d graphics card (ati rage or s3 virge) and a native sound blaster 16 or gus. should be possible finding such a thing second hand if you search well enough.
added on the 2003-12-26 15:25:32 by skrebbel skrebbel
Optimus: yeah, Quickbasic is still slow on WinXP on a PIII/IV :-)
added on the 2003-12-26 15:42:01 by Jcl Jcl
hehe... it WORKED!!! ;-)
btw, what to do if i have a different Runtime Error ?
added on the 2003-12-26 17:22:32 by JoJo JoJo
just use the magic pause-button on your keyboard.
added on the 2003-12-26 20:42:27 by kusma kusma
hey guys... it didn't worked on the old game tyrian... the patch program gave me a message in german that tyrian wasn't made using pascal... hmm... how to make it work? [it's giving me Runtime Error 200 at 0006:374C]
added on the 2003-12-26 21:38:51 by JoJo JoJo
try doing a google search for ttpatch
added on the 2003-12-27 01:22:33 by jar jar
doh! this is what i'm using... ;-) ...as i said, it helped with a dos demo, but not with a game...
added on the 2003-12-27 01:25:18 by JoJo JoJo
added on the 2004-01-08 10:21:35 by ie ie
For a good unpacking tool try unp

added on the 2004-01-08 11:34:50 by front243 front243
JoJo: Try unp as mentioned in above message.
added on the 2004-01-08 11:36:36 by front243 front243
There is some slowdown-proggy for PCs too. Maybe that could help you out...
added on the 2004-01-08 23:18:44 by raer raer
jcl: Lol! I would be surprised (and all the quickbasic scene too) to find out that it has a Runtime Error in an Athlon64 or anything faster that comes out in the future :)
added on the 2004-01-09 12:14:48 by Optimus Optimus
optimus: so the fact that a runtime lib has a bug makes quickbasic better? uh... your logic seems a bit fuzzy to me
added on the 2004-01-09 12:33:42 by Jcl Jcl
optimus: Have you ever tried quickbasic-exes under win xp professional? quickbasic-executables doesn't seem to work correctly there!
added on the 2004-01-09 19:40:22 by js js
jcl: Hehe,. I never said that, I just liked your joke :)
js: Interesting. I will try it..
added on the 2004-01-09 20:28:41 by Optimus Optimus


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