Bearded wise men.
category: general [glöplog]
Why the profile of many wise men, professors, scientists, computer geeks, unix freaks is that of someone who does not shave himself or leaves a beard or foliba?
Is it a social status thing or has to do with the brain? How did it started? Are they bored to shave themselves or don't care because they rule anyways?
I don't have a beard. Usually I am shaved except when I don't, but there is a problem. I am really really bored to take care of myself. I may shave myself because they tell me to do so. Or because I have to. I do all the hygiene thing because I have to. I never found a motivation to do. Reasons may exist but no motivation. This is one of the few things I haven't answered about myself yet. But I never made intentionally a beard or something. To look like those people or something. I prefer to be myself. It would be pretentious or something. But I always sympathize bearded people..
Is it a social status thing or has to do with the brain? How did it started? Are they bored to shave themselves or don't care because they rule anyways?
I don't have a beard. Usually I am shaved except when I don't, but there is a problem. I am really really bored to take care of myself. I may shave myself because they tell me to do so. Or because I have to. I do all the hygiene thing because I have to. I never found a motivation to do. Reasons may exist but no motivation. This is one of the few things I haven't answered about myself yet. But I never made intentionally a beard or something. To look like those people or something. I prefer to be myself. It would be pretentious or something. But I always sympathize bearded people..
couldn't resist :)
There was an xkcd comic about it, wasn't it? Can't find it right now..
I have a beard and I'm awesome.
if you do the hygiene thing you get chicks
I had a mustache but it just made me look creepy (and sort of anachronistic).
Beards are OK only when they're well kept.
This man owns your fucking ass!
So does this man!
Bearded wise men are killing the scene. Especially if they are my dad.
Random bearded wise man