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My dad is killing the demoscene

category: general [glöplog]
If my parents weren't so anxious about computers, they wouldn't forbid from sitting so many hours and becoming an uberfreak at a very early age when I was too young and had great childish energy to learn and explore. I would have very possibly discovered the demoscene much earlier back then and so I would have started at a very early energetic age. This concludes that I wouldn't have been sucking now so hard, wouldn't be a mothahackin wannabe, I would have been tripping on the ground, heading my head to the sky, dreaming, focusing, acting, releasing, becoming the ultimate king scener who would give some good kicks to the demoscene and rise it in heaven! The rest of my story wannasay that the king would find his princess, who will raise his powers with her geeky love, leading together to the all uberutopic, hyperfantastic cultural demoscene evolution, bringing the world domination and DEMOcracy over reality!

But it's just so far away from this. It's just a touch of imagination and dreams, fragile when coming back to reality. Just for one detail..

Oh my god, you've just killed demoscene Dad!

Optimus (analyze the fuck what is the current mind state of this crazy feellow, because I can't do it myself. I really don't know how can I write so fucking weird =))))
added on the 2002-10-25 23:51:33 by Optimus Optimus
added on the 2008-11-20 23:07:06 by texel texel
7 ?
added on the 2008-11-20 23:25:54 by nystep nystep
BB Image
added on the 2008-11-20 23:26:50 by Puryx Puryx
added on the 2008-11-20 23:27:31 by uncle-x uncle-x
That guy has vomit in his hair. Bummer...
added on the 2008-11-20 23:33:44 by El Topo El Topo
I guess It hurts ...
added on the 2008-11-20 23:36:04 by bonzaj bonzaj
for another angle:

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added on the 2008-11-20 23:36:56 by nosfe nosfe
Optimus: Stop blaming your parents and make the best of what you have now. K?
Yeah, you're a bit old to blame your parents.
For fucks sake Optimus, try to constrain yourself to four new threads a year. Thanks.
added on the 2008-11-21 02:11:33 by rc55 rc55
added on the 2002-10-25 23:51:33 by Optimus




owned, motherfuckers!
added on the 2008-11-21 03:09:02 by okkie okkie
Hard to believe this epic topic went unnoticed 6 year ago...
added on the 2008-11-21 08:45:38 by sam sam
damned texel revived a dead thread! :/
added on the 2008-11-21 09:08:07 by nystep nystep
Fuck it! Make it four threads a decade then! :)
added on the 2008-11-21 10:31:53 by rc55 rc55
added on the 2008-11-21 11:18:22 by Optimus Optimus
added on the 2008-11-21 11:40:25 by bonzaj bonzaj
texel: are you working for hugi now? :)
added on the 2008-11-21 12:27:51 by src src
the placenta of the pharaoh was placed on a pole and carried into battle


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