Random gif animation thread
category: residue [glöplog]

Bethesda`s Radiant AI(TM)

True-colour GIF!

Clever trick, but it works and it's legal within the standards :)

Clever trick, but it works and it's legal within the standards :)
Intrinsic: the truecolor-gif unfolds itself using the morton pattern! YAY!
(stating the obvious 2.0)
(stating the obvious 2.0)
Jeez. Why didn't I think of that!

Intrinsic: I know it's lame to toot one's own horn <pouet!>, but:

Lame, but then again, I made them in 1998... See: http://aminet.net/package/pix/illu/GIFHack
Lame, but then again, I made them in 1998... See: http://aminet.net/package/pix/illu/GIFHack
@ the guys with the funky colors: mind to explain a bit? Is it about rapidly switching specific colors to get a higher range of tones?
it looks it is a gif animation where in every frame there is a different palette
ok, so its kind of what I thought it would be. I am so smart, I can sleep now...


This is so intriguing. o_O