A new Amiga logo :P
category: general [glöplog]
Yes, it is relevant to your life. ;)

Yeah, hit post to soon :P
mccain was big in the eighties too
mccain oven chips? nah they're still big today too.
mccain was acceptable in the eighties
dude lost cos there's already a mc in power in america :)
choose president
( ) McCain [R]
( ) Obama [D]
(x) None Of The Above
Republican Party had their fortune from the robber barons.
Democrats had theirs from the mob and bootleggers.
Obama is the choice of Wall Street and the Trilateral Commission.
A new team on the block, neo cons paved the way 2001-2008 and now
the trilaterals (Brzezinski & Co.) are now in place to really "rock the geopolitical boat".
( ) McCain [R]
( ) Obama [D]
(x) None Of The Above
Republican Party had their fortune from the robber barons.
Democrats had theirs from the mob and bootleggers.
Obama is the choice of Wall Street and the Trilateral Commission.
A new team on the block, neo cons paved the way 2001-2008 and now
the trilaterals (Brzezinski & Co.) are now in place to really "rock the geopolitical boat".
d0DgE: You racist, how can you reject our new Messiah? ;)
So the black sock puppet talking head for the industrial-financial-military complex won the chair as their official mouthpiece instead of the usual pig colored one. What the hell is all the rave about? It's just another sockpuppet regardless of coloring. Just because TRPB smear a thin spread of "i cant belive its not democracy" all over their self interrests, does not make it any more acceptable or easyer to swallow but for the worst of idiots, and those who whored themself into it out of fear, greed or rather "the good living" as it is now called!.
So the black sock puppet talking head for the industrial-financial-military complex won the chair as their official mouthpiece instead of the usual pig colored one. What the hell is all the rave about? It's just another sockpuppet regardless of coloring. Just because TRPB smear a thin spread of "i cant belive its not democracy" all over their self interrests, does not make it any more acceptable or easyer to swallow but for the worst of idiots, and those who whored themself into it out of fear, greed or rather "the good living" as it is now called!.
he didnt actually DO anything yet, how about waiting 'till he does? :D
like what, going intio Iran as he allready spoke about a month ago. Yeah sounds real different from the last asshole Gargaj :) It's just a new face on an old machinery. nothing to see here (apart from the fact that this talking head is negro, and as whites are actually a minority on earth, that is uninterresting entirely), move along.
he didnt actually DO anything yet, how about waiting 'till he does? :D
It might be too late by then. He's already talking about "sacrifice" and his VP has hinted that there will be a major crisis as soon as he's inaugurated, which will "force" him to make a lot of unpopular decisions. Also European press has called him The President of the World, so it will probably affect us eurofags too.
I second eebliss. Now let's all focus on Ron Paul 2012!
Ru Paul?
pouet never changes.
It might be too late by then.
for what? or are you looking for school book depository already? :)
after the worst US presidency ever, obama can ONLY do better :p
and all around the world there is hope and good will focalized at his 'messiah' aura, so now he's got a great opportunity to REALLY change things.
let give some time to time before quick-judging in our couches/armchairs...
and all around the world there is hope and good will focalized at his 'messiah' aura, so now he's got a great opportunity to REALLY change things.
let give some time to time before quick-judging in our couches/armchairs...
lol@jailbird. Run paul, Run!!!
@zest, funny, that's the exact same words I hear every time a new asshole is "crowned". Just you wait and see, this time change really will come, this one is totally different from the last one.
I disagree, the only difference is that he is brown..ish
I disagree, the only difference is that he is brown..ish
...and good looking, brutha's got charisma, and that is rarely a good thing in politics if you look back. The most charismatic leaders rarely turns out to be the best ones *cough*Goodwin*cough*
Oh God, the day Ron Paul is in charge is the day the world is properly fucked.
As if that was going to make any difference Okkie.