Will you buy new Nintendo DSi???
category: general [glöplog]
Heya all.
Will you buy new DSi???
I hope it will support homebrew apps ( or it will able later :P )...

Will you buy new DSi???
I hope it will support homebrew apps ( or it will able later :P )...

I will definetly look into getting one, but first when it gets cracked to support homebrew. I currently have the first version of the DS, and it's decent but a little bulky.
I only play one game on it though (Final Fantasy Tactics A2) when travelling, so it would be a lot of money for something which I wouldn't use very often.
I only play one game on it though (Final Fantasy Tactics A2) when travelling, so it would be a lot of money for something which I wouldn't use very often.
I will, since I'm also an early adapter and stuck with the old bulky one. (it has a neat 'Kewlers suck' sticker on it though).
I have 2 GBAs with flash. Well and one GP2X. But Nintendo DS with SD-Card sounds awesome for me...
tears no.
prolly gives a nice price cut on the ds lite, so maybe i'll buy one of those.
I have one of the initial ones and I think the DSi was a bit too immature from Nintendo.
Do you really think the cameras and the SD slot are enough to make people buy their console again so they can play the new exclusive games?
I am one of those who grieve for the loss of the GBA slot, and as a proud owner of a R4 I can access the homebrew so...If I upgraded it would probably be to the DS lite because of the size, battery life and brighter screens.
Do you really think the cameras and the SD slot are enough to make people buy their console again so they can play the new exclusive games?
I am one of those who grieve for the loss of the GBA slot, and as a proud owner of a R4 I can access the homebrew so...If I upgraded it would probably be to the DS lite because of the size, battery life and brighter screens.
Do you really think the cameras and the SD slot are enough to make people buy their console again so they can play the new exclusive games?
Well, yes.
And, just take make it clear: GBA demos will always own DS demos!
If i'd had the money :(
The thing will be shit cheap, right? Like 150e or smth?
More RAM, homebrew without the DLDI hassle, cameras, faster WiFi with WPA? I'm so sold!
I'm interested in that DSi Ware service, so yes, I will buy one (eventually).
you can even use it for shaving !!!1one
If I'm not mistaken, it will have some sort of new anti-piracy measures. I doubt it'll work on already released titles (afaik, in the past the only way to detect would be running in-game cart speed-tests, but past games that used this have been "patched" by the pirate scene).
What concerns me the most, is that the GBA port offered possibilities through peripheral attachments, which will be a lot more difficult with this iteration (think Guitar Hero on Tour). The DS store sounds interesting, but I'll be sticking to the Lite.
What concerns me the most, is that the GBA port offered possibilities through peripheral attachments, which will be a lot more difficult with this iteration (think Guitar Hero on Tour). The DS store sounds interesting, but I'll be sticking to the Lite.