MAIN demoparty #3- 2008, october 16-17-18-19
category: general [glöplog]
Wait.. did you mean "scheisse" ?
Des photos ! Des photos !

Ok, let's speak english. this is a party thread after all.
"la scheisse!"
oxb is right... this was an international party so it's appropriate to speak english.
J'ai juste pas aimé qu'on que silkcut me parle mauvais alors que je l'aidais pour avoir un player sid mis à jour depuis de moins de 6 ans... Mais bon il était au taquet, c'est compréhensible... Mais bon, ça excuse pas... Je suis quand même pas trop rancunier, je lui ai filé le CD que j'ai gagné car il faisait double emploi... ;)
Tu l'as mal pris mais je n'avais rien contre toi et je suis content que tu m'ai montré la bonne version du player sid parce que j'etais pas sensé savoir que ça allait pas fonctionner avec ta production, et qu'en plus en sid j'y connais pas grand chose je dois le reconnaitre, maintenant oui j'etais tendu et un peu fatigué, surtout 15sec avant le show, mais si tu crois que c'etait de la haine, alors tu te trompes et tu verras bien pire avec moi comme par exemple l'ingé son qui a lancé un concert dessus une prod en croyant a une musique d'ambiance (ET NON ce n'etait pas moi..)..mais désolé que tu l'ai pris comme ça.. Pour le cd, je ne l'ai pas pris je l'ai laissé a Mestaty de FRequency je crois, je n'ai rien pris des cadeaux (tshirts, jeux, champ...), juste un book que christian m'a offert a la fin.
Sans rancune de mon coté doh.
sorry, english now.
It's not a question of my prod, this old sidplay is just not suitable to play sid music correctly.
Did I mention hate??? I just said that you were high tense...
You could have appologized and paid me a beer during RAclette. Elderly people like me attach importance to such insignificant details... ;)
It's not a question of my prod, this old sidplay is just not suitable to play sid music correctly.
Did I mention hate??? I just said that you were high tense...
You could have appologized and paid me a beer during RAclette. Elderly people like me attach importance to such insignificant details... ;)
i don't have a single PENNY dude :p plus I didn't went to the RAclette (that looked great) I was just speaking with havoc. I'll buy you a drink next time (i dunno which party yet).
Silkcut: No offence, really but let's take as an example the biggest party and moreover the best one: Breakpoint.
In 2006 I remember we went upstairs in the orga area with Doh to ask the main organizer (Scamp himself) if they still could give their entry hours after the deadline.
Doh asked him and I remember Scamp was just cool and really willing to help and quite politely. I'm not pointing out you haven't but it just shows what serious and planned organization is. The guy responsible for the whole party who is still able to answer to simple questions of peoples who completely stuffed the deadline rule means something ! (haha, no offence Doh, I remember you brain-teasing with those encoding processes)
Silkcut, if you ever made it to Breakpoint you'll get what I mean. This is a hell of a party in every aspects. When something wrong appears (and this is uncommon), they're just on the cool side and laughing the flaws off while keeping a steady organization.
Not to say something is always happening at Breakpoint. It's entertaining. You never get bored even for a guy like me who had little to do with demoscene anymore after all.
And I saw the two sides of Breakpoint when they were in that freezy military warehouses on Bingen's heights in 2003/2004 and in the downtown gymnasium from 2005... The military warehouses were cold as fuck and this was almost a hostile place to do a party but it was cool anyway.
I won't say your expectations should be as high but at least a focus has to be done on creating a real demoparty with demoscene spirit where compos and in-between events are the cornerstone as well as people participating to them.. And it includes facilities and some kind of professionalism in the way things are handled be it for 30 peoples or 1000.
Again, no "bashing", just some impressions I had remotely and from the comments read here and there.
In 2006 I remember we went upstairs in the orga area with Doh to ask the main organizer (Scamp himself) if they still could give their entry hours after the deadline.
Doh asked him and I remember Scamp was just cool and really willing to help and quite politely. I'm not pointing out you haven't but it just shows what serious and planned organization is. The guy responsible for the whole party who is still able to answer to simple questions of peoples who completely stuffed the deadline rule means something ! (haha, no offence Doh, I remember you brain-teasing with those encoding processes)
Silkcut, if you ever made it to Breakpoint you'll get what I mean. This is a hell of a party in every aspects. When something wrong appears (and this is uncommon), they're just on the cool side and laughing the flaws off while keeping a steady organization.
Not to say something is always happening at Breakpoint. It's entertaining. You never get bored even for a guy like me who had little to do with demoscene anymore after all.
And I saw the two sides of Breakpoint when they were in that freezy military warehouses on Bingen's heights in 2003/2004 and in the downtown gymnasium from 2005... The military warehouses were cold as fuck and this was almost a hostile place to do a party but it was cool anyway.
I won't say your expectations should be as high but at least a focus has to be done on creating a real demoparty with demoscene spirit where compos and in-between events are the cornerstone as well as people participating to them.. And it includes facilities and some kind of professionalism in the way things are handled be it for 30 peoples or 1000.
Again, no "bashing", just some impressions I had remotely and from the comments read here and there.
oxb the difference is that breakpoint has dozens of people working on compos alone, whereas at the main party I was under the impression silkcut was pretty much on the front line of demoscene related events and on his own much of the time.
The main party was a tense, pretty hectic affair I'm sure from his standpoint. Having participated in at least a couple of party organisations I know they are usually somewhat stressful but this was ALWAYS compounded by the fact that we were teams of people, no less than one per compo and especially each of us knew their part and their role very precisely. It's very different to work with musicians than with coders, and even amongst them it's very different to work with some and others. Plus you have the occasional angry person .. or the strange platform to cope with.
The main party relies too much on one single person when it comes to the demo side of things.
The main party was a tense, pretty hectic affair I'm sure from his standpoint. Having participated in at least a couple of party organisations I know they are usually somewhat stressful but this was ALWAYS compounded by the fact that we were teams of people, no less than one per compo and especially each of us knew their part and their role very precisely. It's very different to work with musicians than with coders, and even amongst them it's very different to work with some and others. Plus you have the occasional angry person .. or the strange platform to cope with.
The main party relies too much on one single person when it comes to the demo side of things.
@Oxb: This had not really happen that way at BP. Because, we first went to the orgas stage because we couldn't upload our prod as the network was down. At this occasion we asked to the guy responsible for the animation compo if we could give them a better version about 1 hour before the compo. He kindly said "no problem". Then we did what we said. Then we watched back what I'd done during this time and saw that it was blurry as hell. So Mezcal and Arios went back to him whining "please show the older version!". He kindly said "OK", whereas his hands were starting to shake because of his big mission approaching. Then I remembered that some key scenes were missing in the first version, so, as the guy was crossing the big room to go to the beam, I said him "Nevermind, play the latest version". He was totally stressed, but kindly said "No problem"... It was maybe this guy which was really cool, I guess Scamp didn't ever heard about this.
But this has few to deal with the actual case. I just found strange that organizing a chip compo nobody knew how to play all the accepted formats. SID version 8085 is the most frequent in parties compo nowadays.
What is true is that couldn't have happen in BP because every technical aspect of every compo is mastered by the one in charge of preparing it. But we were in MAIN, which never pretended to equal BP...
I often got bored at Breakpoints whereas I didn't in MAIN!
Ok I left it for 7 hours to play golf in the mistral, front of the sea... Great memories...
I just felt not being at a demoparty sometimes.
But this has few to deal with the actual case. I just found strange that organizing a chip compo nobody knew how to play all the accepted formats. SID version 8085 is the most frequent in parties compo nowadays.
What is true is that couldn't have happen in BP because every technical aspect of every compo is mastered by the one in charge of preparing it. But we were in MAIN, which never pretended to equal BP...
I often got bored at Breakpoints whereas I didn't in MAIN!
Ok I left it for 7 hours to play golf in the mistral, front of the sea... Great memories...
I just felt not being at a demoparty sometimes.
Doh: haha, I said "you brain-teasing with the encoding" which summarize it all. But I do remember we talk to Scamp for the very last version and it was hours after the deadline and my example was more to point out that the Breakpoint organization is under control anytime.
It was just an example and no way I was trying to compare these parties.
But having a good organization is not a matter of size be it for 1 or 1000 or 10 000 persons. It's all about setting and dispatch tasks amongst peoples/means and get down with them.
It's normal that the more work (general meaning) you have to manage, the more peoples and means you have in your team to achieve your goals within the timeline.
It was just an example and no way I was trying to compare these parties.
But having a good organization is not a matter of size be it for 1 or 1000 or 10 000 persons. It's all about setting and dispatch tasks amongst peoples/means and get down with them.
It's normal that the more work (general meaning) you have to manage, the more peoples and means you have in your team to achieve your goals within the timeline.
OXB> No offense taken mate, this is my first party, I never did a breakpoint, I took a week on my working time to focus on the MAIN#3 stuff, I slept ~13 hours in 3/4 days I rarely ate the evening although I had free access to the VIP bar cause I had to deal with 100k things i'm no professionnal and never will..the rest, _-_-__ resumed well. ;) Hopefully cybernostra new his onions well and h2o helped me a lot (chateau virant ftw).
Doh> I personally took care of _accepting/downloading/verifying_ latest releases from cocoon (willbe gave me the latest version through my usb key), sunflower (h2o noticed a blank screen and the author made it to get us an AVI) and Nah^color (although the display was still kinda bizarre in fullscreen) about 2 hours after the deadline so I think I was tolerant on this side.
Although I am a very sensible person (emotional crisis overload causing paralysis) after an accident I had two years ago, I was not stressed during the mainparty at all, thats why I particularly appreciated working hard and late on stuff as hard as i can. I was quite angry and tired cause everything not just went as ok as i wanted to.
Anyway we were a team, i had my chilling moments too while others were working hard to compress delay.
Doh> I personally took care of _accepting/downloading/verifying_ latest releases from cocoon (willbe gave me the latest version through my usb key), sunflower (h2o noticed a blank screen and the author made it to get us an AVI) and Nah^color (although the display was still kinda bizarre in fullscreen) about 2 hours after the deadline so I think I was tolerant on this side.
Although I am a very sensible person (emotional crisis overload causing paralysis) after an accident I had two years ago, I was not stressed during the mainparty at all, thats why I particularly appreciated working hard and late on stuff as hard as i can. I was quite angry and tired cause everything not just went as ok as i wanted to.
Anyway we were a team, i had my chilling moments too while others were working hard to compress delay.
Je ne suis pas familier des forums mais je me dois d'apporter quelques précisions.
Je suis surpris que mon post t'ai touché de la sorte sachant que tu m'as fais part préalablement de ta situation qui ne te permettait pas de venir.
Pour ceux qui m'ont lu je termine en disant
car je suis conscient qu'aujourd'hui, tout le monde n'a pas les moyens en terme de temps ou de finance pour se rendre en démoparty.
Pour ceux qui peuvent, je leur demande de faire l'effort.
Il ne reste que très peu de party en France.
Concernant le jury, nous en avons discuté maintes fois ensemble. Nous savons que le name voting est problématique, que certains sceners votent pour leurs copains quelques soient la qualité de leur travail ou juste pour avoir un prix ...
Je pense que les orgas ont essayé d'innover en proposant un jury impartial dont l'originalité est qu'il ne fait pas partie de la scene.
Par contre, le fait qu'ils soient connus peut être bénéfiques pour l'avancée du mouvement.
Je suis désolé qu'ils n'aient pas apprécié ton travail. Peut être aurait il fallu leur expliquer la démarche artistique et technique que tu as entrepris.
Concernant le boycot, je suis très étonné qu'une personne de ta qualité puisse dire cela.
Je préfère mettre ça sur le coup d'une malcompréhension et garder l'estime que j'ai pour toi.
Je ne suis pas familier des forums mais je me dois d'apporter quelques précisions.
Je suis surpris que mon post t'ai touché de la sorte sachant que tu m'as fais part préalablement de ta situation qui ne te permettait pas de venir.
Pour ceux qui m'ont lu je termine en disant
Respectez les ! (quand vous en avez les moyens)'
car je suis conscient qu'aujourd'hui, tout le monde n'a pas les moyens en terme de temps ou de finance pour se rendre en démoparty.
Pour ceux qui peuvent, je leur demande de faire l'effort.
Il ne reste que très peu de party en France.
Concernant le jury, nous en avons discuté maintes fois ensemble. Nous savons que le name voting est problématique, que certains sceners votent pour leurs copains quelques soient la qualité de leur travail ou juste pour avoir un prix ...
Je pense que les orgas ont essayé d'innover en proposant un jury impartial dont l'originalité est qu'il ne fait pas partie de la scene.
Par contre, le fait qu'ils soient connus peut être bénéfiques pour l'avancée du mouvement.
Je suis désolé qu'ils n'aient pas apprécié ton travail. Peut être aurait il fallu leur expliquer la démarche artistique et technique que tu as entrepris.
Concernant le boycot, je suis très étonné qu'une personne de ta qualité puisse dire cela.
Je préfère mettre ça sur le coup d'une malcompréhension et garder l'estime que j'ai pour toi.
silkcut: tout ce que je pourrai dire de gentil sur l'organisation , ne serait que pour toi.
[Leaving english there, this is offtopic.]
Franchement, j'aurais vraiment pas aimé qu'une de mes musiques soit jugée par des sales rappers de merde...
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Franchement, j'aurais vraiment pas aimé qu'une de mes musiques soit jugée par des sales rappers de merde...
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and I wouldnt like if doh-drd jugee mes musiques.
@24: Words can hurt in an oversized way...
Doh ask to 24 what the fuck with MED ? Ignorance of others is a sign of ignorance of itself, 24 don't move the shit or smoke it and sutf
dubmood show was truely awesome ! you rock dude..
Good to see that good old french scene is still much more efficient at having fights than at releasing a significant number of decent prods :)