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PUSH! The Invincible Spirit...need the lyrics, nowhere to find :o/

category: general [glöplog]
Sorry for bothering here. :O(
I admit this request is not very scene related but I hope you fellow sceners can help me.
I need the lyrics of this song here for a remix:


The Invincible Spirit-----PUSH!

I guess a lot of sceners know/like that song, so I`m asking you.

I searched the net (for about an hour) but found nothing. o_O
Surely I was too blind of stupid or both, but I couldn`t find a thing.
Can`t understand that, for its quite a classic song.

I could have asked the question in some EBM forum...but after browsing several of them, I saw, that even the most recent posts are often older than 2 days, so this would take forever, and my motivation to registrate in a million forums hits rock bottom. :o/

And surely I could try to filter the words out of the tune myself, but I want to avoid any faults.

So please....anyone willing to help or even ruling, having the lyrics or knowing where to find them?

Would be really great, thanks in advance.....
added on the 2008-10-19 15:02:16 by Skyrunner Skyrunner


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