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You know you're in France, when....

category: general [glöplog]
... demoparties have Theremins set up for demonstration/workshop:


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...you eat snails.

...you don't have a French player in your national football team.
added on the 2008-10-10 12:45:28 by pohar pohar
- Feel the monarchy is back there.

- See Sarkozy every 5 mn on the TV.

- Eat frogs.

- Eat snails.

- Drink bad wine (we keep the good one for us you foreign ignorants)

- You're having a meal for more than 2 hours, with wine.

- Meet a lot of pretentious ignorants

- Meet a lot of pretentious ignorants and who say "Je ne parle pas anglais"

- feel like needing a GTA licence to kill to drive in Paris (no rule is the rule).

- You bump into cute girls every 10s (and who are either pretentious narcissists or ignorants, remember you're in France)

- The music is bad.

- You attend parties with less than 10 peoples

- Demoscene is dead.
added on the 2008-10-10 12:54:42 by oxb oxb
- The music is bad.

added on the 2008-10-10 13:09:09 by okkie okkie
... You drink real good champagne at the MAIN demoparty#1^#2_&_sure_for^#3
You received tomatoes for stupidly copying democracy
added on the 2008-10-10 14:05:13 by 24 24
- Cheese is stinky.

- No one pukes at a demoparty.

- There is room for 200 but only 25 people show up at a demoparty.

- The one who are bashing their own country the most are French themselves.
added on the 2008-10-10 14:18:09 by nystep nystep
- Smoking is not bad.
- No one pukes at a demoparty.

I puked at a french demoparty.
added on the 2008-10-10 14:24:25 by jeenio jeenio
- protesting and grumbling are the national sport!
added on the 2008-10-10 14:36:16 by Zest Zest
- rob is jarig is not played at the compo
- People are productive at the party place (and do code)
- there are less than 10 sceners in country (including Titan)
added on the 2008-10-10 14:59:39 by nytrik nytrik
- you order steak, and the chef forgets to cook it
added on the 2008-10-10 15:06:52 by psonice psonice
Nytrik even wants the musicians to code :)
real elite musicians do their own softsynths ;)
allez canelle allez vas-y on y croit! :)
added on the 2008-10-10 15:14:22 by nystep nystep
- You go to a very fine restaurant, order a crab, only to find out that it's impossible to take apart and eat. Then a greek guy buys you a bottle of champagne for you to share with a french girl. You leave the restaurant piss drunk, and walk down the streets of Paris with the girl to find a bar, and it's raining heavely. Of course, this reminds you about Singing in the Rain, so you start singing loudly like in a musical, using words from every street sign which you see. Then you find a bar where there's a guy at a piano sining songs on request, and suddenly you buy another bottle of champagne for you and the girl and find yourself headbaning and screaming to "Highway To Hell - The Piano Version". Afterwards, you introduce yourself to some 50-year-old brits who are in Paris because they are ballet fans, talk to a stumb armenian who gets thrown out later because he's piss irretating, have conversations with a hungarian pilot, and chat with a newly wed american couple where the groom has a wineyard back in the US. Some time in between that, you kiss the french girl, only to find that she has ugly teeth because she's a smoker, but you don't really care, because whatever?. Then the bar closes, and you blackout only to find yourself in the bathroom at your hotel cleaning up your own puke. Then you blackout again until your travelling mates are trying to wake you up violently, stumble out of your bed, notice you smell of puke, and try to go to the breakfast area of the hotel, only to find out that you have to throw up again as soon as you've taken your first sip of orange juice after you're done doing that, you pack your stuff (or have others doing it for you) to drive to the airport to go home to wherever you came from. You fall asleep in the car, and when you arrive you throw up in a plastic bag in front of the other travellers - it smells of the orange juice you had earlier. You drink some soda and crash for a quick nap with a romanian girl/woman person and hang out with her inside the airport for 3 hours before your plane leaves. You eat some pizza and drink some tea. You buy some foie gras and some brie in the taxfree shop, and once you arrive safely back home, you find that the brie is WAY too nasty, but you eat it anyway.
- you get cheap atomic energy!
added on the 2008-10-10 15:19:53 by v3nom v3nom
- you go to Louvre to be able to see Mona Lisa only to find out that it's a stupid painting smaller than a handkerchief.
added on the 2008-10-10 15:27:09 by decipher decipher
- you're waffling on "French Presidency Competition 2007" thread.

- you don't have to take showers. It's something well-known. French peoples are dirty pigs.

- You're stepping in some dog dirt all the way on the pavement. We never clean it of course.

- you don't meet the stupid romantic stereotypes like Les Champs Elysées, L'Arc de Triomphe, the Tour Eiffel, the stupid accordion and the damn guy dressed like a ship's boy. Well, in fact Tour Eiffel is boring and crowded like hell, even worse for The Champs Elysees that just piss me off (5% of french peoples there, the rest is tourists), Arc de Triomphe as well with all those cars driving like mad all around in an amazing noise, accordion is unbearable even for us and I don't know where that damn ship's boy came from but I've never met someone dressed like that here.
added on the 2008-10-10 15:36:50 by oxb oxb
- you go to the louvre, laugh at the huge queue of tourists who will spend the whole day queuing to be disappointed by the mona lisa, which is exactly the same as the thousands of replicas they have seen already except smaller, then spend the next 3 days being constantly blown away by endless corridors of stunning art.
added on the 2008-10-10 15:38:35 by psonice psonice
- a few people have more tastes than sceners? :p
@lord graga: hahahahaha. it sounds like real-life experience.

once you arrive safely back home, you find that the brie is WAY too nasty, but you eat it anyway.

?? Brie is probably one of the sweeter cheeze, no kidding. Just try Maroilles or Munster once and you'll see what it takes to become a man. Well, in fact, Maroilles smells like feet but it's quite sweet in the mouth. In my area there's a famous "Maroilles pie" made with crème fraîche that is just delicious and leaves a Maroilles smell in your house for 3 to 4 days. You can sustain this smell for 2/3 additionnal days if you warm it up again in your microwave oven (that will keep the smell for some time...)
added on the 2008-10-10 15:46:36 by oxb oxb
I like one week old Neufchatels.


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