MAIN demoparty #3- 2008, october 16-17-18-19
category: general [glöplog]
mhehehehehhehe gonna rawks
# Med aka Mister Electric Demon (FR-Paris)
# DEMOVIBES LIVE (FR-Moonove and Willbe)
Sounds good. Old farts power :D
# DEMOVIBES LIVE (FR-Moonove and Willbe)
Sounds good. Old farts power :D
Stll will do VJ :)
great to see you all in Marseille
you are welcome :)
thank you :) tonight perhaps the invitation intro ?
Sorry was released today ...
great h20 , thx !!
A Swarm of Angels :
Presentation at MAIN#3 / Call to participate
A Swarm of Angels is an open source movie being co-created and shaped by
an online global community. Two films are being developed, one of which,
The Unfold, involves a young musician Lo, who is a chip musician and
circuit bender. An early scene in the film (you can download the script
draft online at involves Lo performing in a
Tokyo club. We invite contributions of original and sound for this scene
so it can be enriched. est la communauté globale, créatrice du premier film long métrage ouvert en construction entière sur le web. A la pointe, le projet est présenté dans les plus grands festivals du monde cinéma, web collaboratif et open source, et tout dernièrement classé dans le top 100 des "London's creative industries". Deux films sont en train de se construire parallèlement et seront publiés sous Creative Commons.
Un des scénarios, The Unfold, met en scène un jeune musicien, Lo, épris de chipmusic et de circuit bending, qu'on voit jouer dans un club à Tokyo dans une scène du début du film. Hélène Abrand, membre de ASOA, présente le projet aux demomakers et lance un appel à participation pour enrichir ces séquences avec les compositions sonores et visuelles gagnantes liées à cette épreuve. Inscription ouverte sur
Presentation at MAIN#3 / Call to participate
A Swarm of Angels is an open source movie being co-created and shaped by
an online global community. Two films are being developed, one of which,
The Unfold, involves a young musician Lo, who is a chip musician and
circuit bender. An early scene in the film (you can download the script
draft online at involves Lo performing in a
Tokyo club. We invite contributions of original and sound for this scene
so it can be enriched. est la communauté globale, créatrice du premier film long métrage ouvert en construction entière sur le web. A la pointe, le projet est présenté dans les plus grands festivals du monde cinéma, web collaboratif et open source, et tout dernièrement classé dans le top 100 des "London's creative industries". Deux films sont en train de se construire parallèlement et seront publiés sous Creative Commons.
Un des scénarios, The Unfold, met en scène un jeune musicien, Lo, épris de chipmusic et de circuit bending, qu'on voit jouer dans un club à Tokyo dans une scène du début du film. Hélène Abrand, membre de ASOA, présente le projet aux demomakers et lance un appel à participation pour enrichir ces séquences avec les compositions sonores et visuelles gagnantes liées à cette épreuve. Inscription ouverte sur
# 8GB (BUenos Aires, ARGENTINA).
corrected ;P
corrected ;P
Hey, register !
news :
I just talk to a sound engineer Theremin's constructor , it comes may be with 2 or 3 diffrents Theremins at the MAIN demoparty for demos and participate with offering the possibility to the sceners to include Theremin sound within demos or compos, or wathever. It's a spontaneous offer by the Monsieur.
Some contemporary music institut in Marseille have an authentic Synclavier II station, so I asked for it to share with us all. Certainly. So i don't know if the Synclavier II run - it will do - and i have to talk with sound technician about.
Other spontaneous offer : Embedded Sensor, scenic sensors, interactiv kinetics &physiologics hardware tools are on open demos friday and saturday afternoons and also offered as tools for demos
Stay tuned
news :
I just talk to a sound engineer Theremin's constructor , it comes may be with 2 or 3 diffrents Theremins at the MAIN demoparty for demos and participate with offering the possibility to the sceners to include Theremin sound within demos or compos, or wathever. It's a spontaneous offer by the Monsieur.
Some contemporary music institut in Marseille have an authentic Synclavier II station, so I asked for it to share with us all. Certainly. So i don't know if the Synclavier II run - it will do - and i have to talk with sound technician about.
Other spontaneous offer : Embedded Sensor, scenic sensors, interactiv kinetics &physiologics hardware tools are on open demos friday and saturday afternoons and also offered as tools for demos
Stay tuned
Since the Invention of the Internet, the Earth's Rotation has been fueled primarily by English Teachers turning in their graves.
so our english is not the best in europe but the fun one - that is why we are the unique inventors of the Pastis.
news :
6 Theremins confirmed for the workshop friday and saturday afternoon, free access for testing and building demos
6 Theremins confirmed for the workshop friday and saturday afternoon, free access for testing and building demos

Theremine \o/
The theremin's such a difficult instrument to play
doh :))
hope 95B size will helping us
hope 95B size will helping us
Hay , Main Raclette Party is waiting you,
around 6 to 10 euro per person...
Cheese and inscription coming soon here or on another website.
around 6 to 10 euro per person...
Cheese and inscription coming soon here or on another website.
interesting, will certainly come to the raclette party.
Quel sera la config de la machine qui lancera les démos ?
Je l'ai pas trouvé sur le site.
Je l'ai pas trouvé sur le site.
Compo Machine : probably Intel Core 2 quad (2,66 ghz) + nVidia GeForce 9600 GS
Compo Machine : probably Intel Core 2 quad (2,66 ghz) + nVidia GeForce 9600 GS
Thx !
who present a demo ?
Is the Main's car parking area a secure place ?
It's in Marseille, so I guess it can't be really secure, but is there a kind of security watch ?
It's in Marseille, so I guess it can't be really secure, but is there a kind of security watch ?
doh> The car parking is being watched by security guards, no problems on this side. Plus this part of Marseille (cours Julien) is very popular and alive, not comparable to what you can hear about northern districts for example.