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Revisiting the 'all-time top' algorithm

category: general [glöplog]
I think something has to be done about this box and it's content.
Perhaps extend it to maybe - i don't know - 25 entries or something, so there's the possiblity of it changing once in a while.
There's something wrong when such strong entries at NVScene are simply forgotten when their month of fame is up.
added on the 2008-09-28 00:08:46 by Steel Steel
"top of the year" ?
added on the 2008-09-28 00:10:21 by simon574 simon574
i dunno, but most nvscene entries didn't strike me as much as most of the top10 stuff...

"top of the year" ?


And maybe a /tops.php with an overview of the top25 of month/year/alltime for demo/64k/4k.

(please :p)
added on the 2008-09-28 00:24:08 by wullon wullon
toplist.php can do all this already :).

top 25 of 2008 so far
added on the 2008-09-28 00:26:59 by Alpha C Alpha C
"toplist.php can do all this already" > yes indeed, but having a better overview of the "prods of the moment" at a glance could be nice imho.

Not vital though.
added on the 2008-09-28 00:30:44 by wullon wullon
i just changed

index.php top prods (keops)

to 50

under CUSTOM

so i see the top50 always :)
Steel : you can customize the all time top in your account to have it display more than 10 prods.
added on the 2008-09-28 02:35:29 by keops keops
"toplist.php can do all this already :)"

no it cannot, it doesn't show 2008 prods but all prods that were added in 2008
added on the 2008-09-28 02:56:20 by havoc havoc
Yes, as havoc said, toplist does not differentiate "released in date X" from "added in date X".

Anyway, toplist is pretty useful.
added on the 2008-09-28 03:52:02 by ham ham
true dat, it's quite fun playing with it =)
added on the 2008-09-28 04:01:19 by Alpha C Alpha C
c0c00n & keops: Ah, thanks ...
added on the 2008-09-28 11:15:39 by Steel Steel
I think what people really want here is more along the lines of "recommended viewing". Maybe top of the year by cdc or similar would be better?
added on the 2008-09-28 11:22:30 by psonice psonice

all time recommendations already exists http://pouet.net/cdc.php

top of the year already exists http://pouet.net/sceneorg.php

you can extend the number of prods on both of the frontpage tops (alltime and month), altering the default date scope of the top of the month to more than that kind of defeat the original point of providing an easy window of interest for weekly users (daily users tend to follow comments.php and the recent parties pages directly for changes; very ocasional users have more fun with toplist.php variables and cdc)

if you really want older recommendations you can play with the toplist.php limits. which has the annoying feature of sorting by add date (and not much i can do to bypass it without fucking other stuff im afraid, since it would be unfair to measure page hits and thumbs of a very old prod added very recently to one that was added 5 years ago) but its not really _that_ annoying imho.

either way, enabling a user to customize the top of the month to go further or less back would be a nice addition for some people. so if gargaj is reading, please have in mind when rewritting the index and custom pages :)
added on the 2008-09-28 18:11:22 by psenough psenough
actually... Recent CDCs would be cool. You'd get a mix of recent good stuff and random good old stuff listed.
added on the 2008-09-28 22:05:09 by psonice psonice
actually cdcs scheme is supposed to be revamped. to lock the cdc for 6 months once you set it. to avoid the flood of cdc on new prods. it was always meant to point the finger at old gems, not the latest hot thing.
added on the 2008-09-29 11:29:42 by psenough psenough
Maybe we need a "pouet dance" :)
like the macarena but with jazz trumpets and pigs and seal buckets in a dungeon for extra horror?
added on the 2008-09-29 11:52:55 by psenough psenough
I always knew you were THAT silly.


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