Random Crashs
category: general [glöplog]
damn ps!
wasn't he ZERO COOL!?
Now i'm trying to figure out where that famous Ferrari crash is in rotten dot com, (the one with the severely mangled bodies on show.)
The joke sort of disappears when it's spelled out :)(crash override for the illiterate :p)
Pulsar: Out October 2
I only know that because a girl once told me to listen to that. I don't like it. Just so you know.
aah, the random damage thread
Don't know why i didn't post this first :)
[quote]Pulsar: Out October 2 /[quote]
c'était une porsche ?
Ja det verkar inte bättre.
@ pulsar : une ferraro je crois
Ajdå, fel av mig.
det inte fel av ja
Nej, inte av dig men av mig.
eu drub !
mak nej ja mig :