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Good Bye Nectarine

category: general [glöplog]
Btw, I did a full backup of chiptune.com (I don't know if Scamp backup everything on untergrund).

Btw, perhaps that bad event will help to reconstruct a fresh new Nectarine more powerfull than before :)
added on the 2008-09-11 14:05:31 by rez rez
Nectarine gone?

Oh man, it fueled long work hours along the 4.5 months I spent in London. I owe it my sanity.
added on the 2008-09-11 14:11:05 by gr9yfox gr9yfox
...and it will fuel them again.
added on the 2008-09-11 14:16:58 by Axel Axel
I agree that keeping it simple is a good idea. I've always thought that the original site was a bit awkward with a lot of inconsistencies in the UI, a lot of features had been bolted on over time and it showed.

If it's going to be done again we need to look at the original site with a critical eye and work out what should be kept, what should be improved, and what should be dropped.

A few examples:
Keep: Necta had a great sense of the audience being on the site, with the oneliner, who's listening stats on the homepage and the ability to rate and comment on the currently playing track. These features were really important and should be implemented.

Improve: The list of relays should be more prominent. In the recent redesign I always forgot where to find it - I expected it to be in the menu on the left, not buried under a link on the right amongst all the stats.

Drop: Favourite tracks are redundant - any track I rate 5 stars is obviously one of my favourites.

Anyone else have other ideas?
added on the 2008-09-11 14:27:51 by Claw Claw
By the way I don't envy whoever is going to try and re-implement these things, but I am willing to help out if I see some aspect I can work on, I'm decent at gfx and css and I'm reasonably good at UI design.
added on the 2008-09-11 14:32:07 by Claw Claw
Very sad news indeed. Big "Thanx!" to Yes for the work and time he put into it. May the testicles of that hacking scriptkiddie explode in some unpleasant freak-accident!

As for a nectarine-relaunch - I do second Inesctecutor and whoever he agreed with in "keeping it simple is a good idea". I didn't really have a problem with the original site and design, but I do like clean (even minimalistic) no-nonsense layouts like capped.tv, so if a resurrected nectarine would feature something in that spirit I wouldn't mind. ;)
added on the 2008-09-11 15:53:30 by Grathak Grathak
I'd be in if a donation is needed to pay a recovery company for getting the backup from the crashed HD. And I believe some others would donate too...
added on the 2008-09-11 17:19:09 by raer raer
it'll all come down to Yes. We have to be patient.
added on the 2008-09-11 17:35:41 by Axel Axel
as I said before, Nectarine is like The Cartoon Fish : it doesn't work on Vista !
Drop: Favourite tracks are redundant - any track I rate 5 stars is obviously one of my favourites.

are you sure that's a good choice? I always used the favourites list to request stuff from, and there were some rare tunes with 4* in there.
Saga: Definitely!

And we need the DJ Sessions function back! That was sooo nice.
added on the 2008-09-11 19:50:49 by raer raer
And get rid of all those dozens of useless things that polluted the main page and made it impossible to read and use in the latest versions of Nectarine.

Keep it simple. Requests, last played, playing now, coming next, the basic oneliner and simples things like that.

All those community / lastfm / forum links were a pain in the ass.
added on the 2008-09-11 19:57:58 by keops keops
I agree with Keops. I never saw the purpose of the last.fm stuff.
added on the 2008-09-11 20:16:03 by Axel Axel
what axel said. :D
added on the 2008-09-11 20:18:56 by Premium Premium
Keops: What I said in a previous post. I can't agree more respectfully to Yes' work. The focus should be on the content not the container. Otherwise we will expose again this radio to a security toss because of spreading too thin in such useless functions. It has happened once so it could occur again as a kind of challenge. So keep it steady, my opinion.
Also, most non-scene related webradios I know have simple sites with the main focus on a link to the stream and that's it. Lately, I had to crawl through the nectarine page to find the stream link.
added on the 2008-09-11 20:43:18 by oxb oxb
Fucking pseudo hax0r asshole, someone knows his nick or something?

This guy clearly is an asshole. If hacking a site streaming non-commercial music, run and visited by computer-enthusiasts and programmers and then not leaving a kind warning or defacing it, but destroying the whole thing altogether doesn't make you an asshole, then what does?!

what rarefluid said..

ps: long life Kohina \ o/
added on the 2008-09-11 21:09:44 by pera pera
rez: well, the last update on your site is 2 years ago, i recon you must have a backup... *nudge*
added on the 2008-09-11 21:41:18 by bugsy bugsy


added on the 2008-09-11 21:45:48 by wullon wullon

Who wants to contribute to get that?
added on the 2008-09-11 21:56:21 by micksam7 micksam7
+1 indeed!
added on the 2008-09-11 21:59:33 by masterm masterm
.fm costs 60€TTC/year (maybe there are better prices).

I can contribute to pay for the domain (<20€).
added on the 2008-09-11 22:05:10 by wullon wullon
At az.pl it's for 56 euro. I would like to donate for domain registration and/or hdd recovery but not the whole price I'm afraid. It's still pretty much money.
added on the 2008-09-11 22:17:34 by masterm masterm
Yes told me that he'll pay a company to restore his datas. Seems like doesn't want any help for that, though. Let's see...
Oh no... what a black day in the scene history... Fucking hacker!!! Why destroying and deleting everything? No no no no... The best scene radio ever hacked... And bad luck with the backup harddisk... shit...

YES... thank you for all your great work and for Radio Nectarine... If you don't have time and motivation to start again, I understand you. We will never forget Radio Nectarine... The number 1 scene radio !!

But anyway... If there is a small change to recover your backup hard drive... then please try it and start Nectarine again... Too bad, that your webspace provider doesn't make backups...

Professional data recovery can be expensive... If you do it and revive Nectarine, please show us the costs for the recovery. I'm sure we will help you if money is the problem. (I will donate if it's necessary...)

Ok, now... let us watch, what will happen in the future... What will YES do ?
added on the 2008-09-11 23:52:52 by Chainsaw Chainsaw
Hehe, regarding keeping it simple:

A lot of people want to keep a presumptive new Nectarine community simple but different people want different features in their "simple feature set" ;). In the end it will get kinda bloated. The problem with not having a single main driving force like Yes is that it could get troublesome deciding which features would be a part of the minimalistic, simple feature set that this presumptive new Nectarine would have ;).
added on the 2008-09-12 09:57:14 by elfan elfan


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