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category: general [glöplog]
why am i a fakeuser :(

you saying ppl cant have more than one nick or be in more than one group? if man with no alias had an account on pouet he also would be a fakeuser?
added on the 2008-09-09 10:42:45 by odd odd
Don't worry, you will always be real to me..

added on the 2008-09-09 10:46:31 by okkie okkie
You're as real as this guy!
added on the 2008-09-09 11:03:53 by gloom gloom
Apparently I'm tagged as a fakeuser too... Why all this ODD hate?!
fak eu ser!
added on the 2008-09-09 11:59:05 by Baz Baz
i have 34 glöps, i am not fake :(
added on the 2008-09-09 15:17:48 by odd odd
For the guy who added world domination to be branded a fake user, the crime must have been horrendous!
added on the 2008-09-09 15:27:03 by psonice psonice
see it as flattery!
added on the 2008-09-09 15:29:31 by havoc havoc
odd: yes, you have oil, im a nazi. life sucks.
added on the 2008-09-09 17:05:05 by psenough psenough
added on the 2008-09-09 17:05:54 by bfx bfx
BB Image
added on the 2008-09-09 17:26:14 by zoom zoom
i'm a cakeuser so i got shamelessly censored, if you're registered you can uncensor my level's posts there
added on the 2008-09-09 18:17:17 by rmeht rmeht
I guess i'm a fakeuser too then. I started out as scorpio, so Leia is actually a totally fake handle!
added on the 2008-09-09 18:25:26 by leijaa leijaa
i change nicks more often than ps changes his underwear!
added on the 2008-09-09 18:34:16 by el mal el mal
and no, i don't know why i know that!
added on the 2008-09-09 18:34:31 by el mal el mal
nazis dont wear underwear.
added on the 2008-09-09 18:43:36 by psenough psenough
unban optimus!

oh wait...
added on the 2008-09-09 19:06:15 by kelsey kelsey
that's very nice, odd. go make a demo about it.
will do!
added on the 2008-09-09 19:40:10 by odd odd
added on the 2008-09-09 19:41:49 by kelsey kelsey
that's the spirit i like.


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