NVScene Spore Rounded Companion Penis Cube
category: general [glöplog]
Everyone who attended NVScene will be getting their Spore licenses in the mail this weekend. Let's guess who will be the first to post a pic of a rounded cube building surrounded by walking penii, or their group logo made into a spaceship (powered by giant penises) or something else penis related that the creature creator couldn't make.
I suspect it will br gargaj, because his group has the easiest logo. Bastard.
I suspect it will br gargaj, because his group has the easiest logo. Bastard.
you forgot the "new category request" bit ;)
Spore-RELOADED \o/
Does "everyone who attended" means "who was there" or "who took part in the competition" ?
pohar: Everyone who registered and gave an email address. EA has them and will mail directly.
and by "who registered" he means "registered for an NVScene ticket".
but what does he mean by "EA has them" ?!?!?!?!!!111
I mean EA has you now! Yer all gonna dieeeeeee!!!!!111

it's fun! \o/
Does Spore run fine on ati demobox?
better than on nvidia!! in fact, at atiscene you'll get TWO licenses not just one!
Gargaj: will it work also for that 10$ nvscene visitor ticket ;)?
From: Temis Nunez
Thank you for coming to NVScene and we hope you enjoyed the event. Here is your Spore code as promised!
etc etc!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Thank you for coming to NVScene and we hope you enjoyed the event. Here is your Spore code as promised!
etc etc!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!
7 hours remaining
Ooooooohh FUCK the EA download manager. Well, problems resolved, and I'm seconds away from installation completing. PENIS! CUBE! CUBIC PENISES!
so anyone who i should look for in the Find Buddy option? :D
just type, "penis cube" it's likely that you'll end up with a scener.
i'm "vossanova". nothing made yet but i imagine a world of pouet/scene-only creatures will be fun.
penis ice cube?

oh shit wrong tag
I signed up for NvScene at the event (tuesday) but haven't gotten any code yet.
I'm probably just being impatient. Shoot me!
I'm probably just being impatient. Shoot me!
Code acquired, thanks nvscene-folk!!
by the way, is it me or spore is really really BORING?