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iPhone demo me beautiful

category: general [glöplog]
gloom: i have to agree. :/ but im not really having much patience for babystepping my logic on this one. i think i best rather just close shop leaving the seed of doubt as 2 cents and hopefuly people will think on the logic behind it by themselfs later when they're alone without the defense mode on.
added on the 2008-09-05 15:50:39 by psenough psenough
ps: maybe it's also not such a good idea to start criticising small parties that are just that - small parties, where to cozyness comes first and the quality of the productions comes second. See, these small parties are upkeeping the scene aswell - I don't think we can really live with 4-5 big parties once every year. We need those small events, too, so instead of taunting Puryx with the doubtful quality of releases seen at TRSAC (and please stop debating about quality, ok? People do what they can, but it's damn hard to attract good groups to small parties), why don't you cheer and applause the fact that some people actually have the energy to organize such small events, just because they love the scene and the company of other sceners?
puryx: that there are less active sceners in general. that small parties naturally die out due to lack of organizational interest. yet when they do occur, they still have less support (in terms of quality releases that is) from their local groups then the so called big foreign parties (and now commercial events it seems). yet small parties are what pumps activity and scene spirit into the lives of the local scene. so imho there is somewhat of a countersense (if that word exists in english) in that whole affair. and even though this will most probably not kill the scene, it certainly will hinder it - as it has in the past - im talking about small parties dying out bringing the entire scene nation to a not so general grand state of activity. hope thats clearer.
added on the 2008-09-05 15:55:34 by psenough psenough
nutman: i mentioned quality of releases only because to party orgas its one of the most important things to be worth the hassle. im not saying all of them care about that, quite the contrary, most partyorgas dont quite give a damn, they just want to bring people together. but many others do find it depressive that people wont bother releasing stuff and its another drop to the ocean that makes them close shop. i repeat again: this is speculation from my behalf but thats how i see small parties functioning, im glad that so many sceners disagree on the issue that small parties can die easily.
added on the 2008-09-05 15:58:56 by psenough psenough
ps: Well, I suppose that here in Denmark we can afford the luxury of criticising a party for its lack of quality releases.
We're just glad we even got one, and even one where people have quite a lot of fun - which is probably why Puryx reacted with such anger, when you started bashing TRSAC for not invoking scene memorabilia. Which, I might add, is quite odd, since you later said that the small parties were damn important to the scene - not the smartest move, don't you agree?
Can = Can't
ps: now I understand what you mean, however that did not have any relations to dissing the parties you mentioned to me, did it?

In short: I was angry about you dissing the (small danish) parties which I am part of (at least one of them), without reason.
I am helping to arrange those parties for the exact reason of getting people involved with the scene, getting some nice entries, creating a great atmosphere, and generally having a good time

The other statement you just wrote I fully understand and accept, but I don't agree with it.
added on the 2008-09-05 16:04:01 by Puryx Puryx
imho now does the web play a more important role than small parties to keep the scene going on, even if i'm not satisfied with such a fact.
added on the 2008-09-05 16:05:45 by Zest Zest
Zest: depends how you think of it - a democompo on the web isn't the same as being there for real, is it? :) I think that you can't beat the feeling of being at a party for real.

And yes there are streams - however streams wouldn't be that entertaining without the (live) audience.

The internet/web plays a great role in keeping in touch with your fellow sceners, but imo it will never be able to replace the physical parties.
added on the 2008-09-05 16:10:23 by Puryx Puryx
zest: i cant possibly consider anyone a real scener till they slept under a table and watched hyperventilation on a bigscreen. web2.0 is all nice and fuzzy but you need physical contact to establish true bonds. not that remote bondage cant be achieved (*giggles* i said bondage) but everyone is forced to agree that real meetings gets people motivated while email and irc chatting just gets them in touch.
added on the 2008-09-05 16:20:05 by psenough psenough
Puryx: totally my opinion, but i was talking specifically about the role of 'small' parties to keep the scene spirit and bring new blood.

now, no need to oppose parties or them against the web, the modern scene ecosystem need both :)
added on the 2008-09-05 16:20:22 by Zest Zest
i think i best rather just close shop leaving the seed of doubt

or the seed of badmouthing... (my speculations and premonitions are not to be taken as an insult tho..).
added on the 2008-09-05 16:22:36 by havoc havoc
heh ps, i've slept at my keyboard or in the sleeping room but never under the table actually as far as i remember :p
added on the 2008-09-05 16:23:45 by Zest Zest
btw i'm kind of a fan of some japanese prods, and as far as i know the small japanese scene lives mostly on the web and next to the amateur gamedev community.
added on the 2008-09-05 16:30:04 by Zest Zest
havoc: i didnt insult anyone. i apologise if it appeared so in any way. its not really my fault if you all prefer to believe all your nations are in awesome health and all small parties of this land are blessed with constantly new mind blowing productions, when they clearly have been struggling to have a couple decent releases every year for the past 5 to 10 years in my opinion. before you pass judgment please bare in mind i organize a small party and have attended, competed and even won a few compos in smaller parties across europe. i did not claim a "you're all dead and suck anyways" at any moment. quite the contrary, if you could read without focusing your attention on the sarcasm, it served to pass a point not to insult my friends. i would be plenty more blunt and alot less verbal if i was aiming to insult you or anyone else mentioned in this thread.
added on the 2008-09-05 16:49:51 by psenough psenough
ps: we don't have to bitch about the facts..

- scene is getting smaller
- there are less releases
- sceners are getting older on average
- sceners get families, jobs, other responsibilities
- there are more commercial incentives
- some small parties maybe won't exist anymore next year


but any deduction further than that is maybeland, and you are currently on a very private crusade to capture the most polluted swamp in that country. it's either that, or you must know things i don't, or i am really as dumb as i look. you decide.
added on the 2008-09-05 17:36:52 by havoc havoc
"treading on the dark swamps of maybeland" does have a certain ring to it. perhaps i can use that for an upcoming release..
added on the 2008-09-05 17:43:09 by psenough psenough
oh, so now Apple fancy a piece of the cheap tech-demo orgy.. when will it end?

and when will you sorry excuses for ssceners realize that you're being tricked? when the money-men lose interest in your antiquated productions and take their money elsewhere? and in the meantime you continue to naively rip the essence and lifeforce from the core of our scene. Judases!

PS has leading. he's like Jesus, speaking the truth among the blind. B|
added on the 2008-09-05 18:16:58 by button button
so what's the last demo you made?
added on the 2008-09-05 18:21:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
myeah armchair generalism si teh suxxor
added on the 2008-09-05 18:27:49 by havoc havoc
that woould totally defeat the purpose of having an anonymous Pouet pseudonym, now wouldn't it.
added on the 2008-09-05 18:28:35 by button button

oh, so now Apple fancy a piece of the cheap tech-demo orgy.. when will it end?

and when will you sorry excuses for ssceners realize that you're being tricked? when the money-men lose interest in your antiquated productions and take their money elsewhere? and in the meantime you continue to naively rip the essence and lifeforce from the core of our scene. Judases!

PS has leading. he's like Jesus, speaking the truth among the blind. B|

reading Rephaim's post i think there should be a law complementary to Godwin's, at least involving Jesus, Judas and optional Romans.
added on the 2008-09-05 18:46:25 by earx earx
no no no, you got it all wrong, im a nazi. not a jesus. a nazi.
added on the 2008-09-05 18:48:53 by psenough psenough
earx: it was a banal/sarcastic post not to be taken literally. just in case: you’re supposed to ONLY take the essence of the post. ie: corporatism will eventually kill scene spirit! (cliched point, i know, but i'm entitled to my 2cents :)

PS: be careful with those types of comments around here...you’re likely to find yourself court-marshalled – or something! :)
added on the 2008-09-05 19:00:16 by button button


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