Kindergarden 2008
category: general [glöplog]
the danish interest for kindergarten has grown by 50% (now we're a total of 3 persons)
That's not interesting.
Now, what WOULD be interesting would be if you're able to throw in another 50% increase next year.
Nutman: yada yada - talking a lot, but not going, are you? :)
Hey, don't use my body for those 50%, you sick bastard!
would that still be 50% if we consider body weight? :)
Gargaj: actually I don't know neither what farfar nor Mentor is weighing :D
saga, i _am_ too old..! but then i found out all they do is drink and act like clows.. and then obviously it's right up my alley :)
heh, you never get too old for that, right? ;) anyway, looking forward to meeting you at bp09! seems like i can't make my way to any demoparty before that, except maybe tUM in december...
AAALFREEEED!!!!!!.........i love you!

Du och jag Alfred.

Du och jag Alfred.
I don't want you kb..
joggu ærn alfred huggugælin!
for more serious stuff: don't forget to sign up if you're coming, as it'll help us know what to plan for :)
Han ser så sykt happy ut også. Lurer på hva bakhistorien til bildet her egentlig er. Suspekt.
Hvis han ikke havde barberet hele sin krop han godt være medlem her: WOOF
puryx, i'll be back in holland by then so i don't count. i'll still drop my pants during the compos though.
if i can come
skrebbel: you're not counted in - we're mentor, farfar and I ;)
Du och jag Alfred, Du och jag!!!!!
Hvis han ikke havde barberet hele sin krop han godt være medlem her: WOOF
The bears are back in town!
Then again I cant see your name on the visitors list truck, so are you too old?
hehe allrite.. signing up now.. and packing my rum/coke :)
Ah, yes! Run and coke! What a marvelous idea!
(*sings Bacardi Feeling*)
Run & coke? Is that like snorting coke from Run's back or what?