iMPLOSiON BBS- the biggest Amiga intro/cracktro/demo resource bbs!
category: general [glöplog]
iMPLOSiON - online from 13:30 (GMT) daily!
Amiga cracktros/intros/demos...
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Amiga cracktros/intros/demos...
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not available..
rasmus: you mean, it's already over 13:30 GMT at your location?
not available...
13:30 Greenwich Median Time... all the world times are based on this time...
I am in Melbourne, Australia which is 12:00 GMT +10h
Check the world clock for your time zone...
ps. its
I am in Melbourne, Australia which is 12:00 GMT +10h
Check the world clock for your time zone...
ps. its
that was cute, thanks... :)
Please help me out with this one
if i am at gmt+1.
the thingie at the right edge of the taskbar shows 3:27 pm
then is it 13:30 GMT already?
Please help me out with this one
if i am at gmt+1.
the thingie at the right edge of the taskbar shows 3:27 pm
then is it 13:30 GMT already?
at 2:30pm you are at 13:30GMT....
if 13:00GMT + 1 hour is your time zone...
at 2:30pm you are at 13:30GMT....
if 13:00GMT + 1 hour is your time zone...
which kind of software do you use for this telnet bbs?
quite lame that it's only online 'sometimes'
better sometimes then never
an amiga bbs uses mystic?
well, cant get cable or dsl in my area yet... thus, no 24hr connection... yet.
and the bbs is on a pc... with amiga downloads almost exclusively....
and yes... its better sometimes online than never... but if people want access to an almost ENTIRELY COMPLETE archive of Amiga intros and Cracktros and a MASSIVE range of BACKUPS and soon a COMPLETE archive of Amiga intro tunes i think it would be worth logging on at the right time of day...
and anyway... stacks of old warez boards used ta do it only limited hours a day... and they got popular as anything!!!! (then along comes internet and peer to peer...)
and the bbs is on a pc... with amiga downloads almost exclusively....
and yes... its better sometimes online than never... but if people want access to an almost ENTIRELY COMPLETE archive of Amiga intros and Cracktros and a MASSIVE range of BACKUPS and soon a COMPLETE archive of Amiga intro tunes i think it would be worth logging on at the right time of day...
and anyway... stacks of old warez boards used ta do it only limited hours a day... and they got popular as anything!!!! (then along comes internet and peer to peer...)
no cable or dsl so you're on modem? nice board.. ppl should run more boards..
but mind you, mystic is a shitty bbs software :)
we get dsl in our area in January.. then i will go 24hr... thanks for the props violator...
i also believe that not only should ppl run more boards, but more Amiga and more Demoscene boards... i mean, its because of boards that demos got so popular and so widespread... and demogroups used to use boards exclusively for releasing...
anyone can put up a web page and leave it there, but boards need dedication and maintenance...
i also believe that not only should ppl run more boards, but more Amiga and more Demoscene boards... i mean, its because of boards that demos got so popular and so widespread... and demogroups used to use boards exclusively for releasing...
anyone can put up a web page and leave it there, but boards need dedication and maintenance...
_rm: why is that? what is better? daydream?
violator: afaik, there's no daydream for windows. but hey, there's a lot of old ass bbs softwares that should work with netmodem or something (can't remember the name of the prog)..
anyway i was just suggesting that he should use some more .. 'amiga-like' bbs soft, like sys/x, desire, or whatever.. pcb is nice and can be confed a lot, too.
anyway i was just suggesting that he should use some more .. 'amiga-like' bbs soft, like sys/x, desire, or whatever.. pcb is nice and can be confed a lot, too.
btw, there are quite a bunch of boards, but they're mostly affiliated with the artscene :)
_rm: but iirc none of those old softs are being developed nor support telnet? well iniquity did but that sucked.. I havn't tried mystic but atleast it's being developed and it seams to work nicely.. I'm sure on can conf mystic to look ami/x...
Actually guys, you are both kinda right... yeah i know i shoulda tried to pick something a bit more amiga-like in its interface, but on the same token, mystic has heaps of support, and is not to difficult to use... i found other packages which were easier to use, but not with the versatility in customization that mystic has... thats one of the main reasons its a great package, cos you can make it look as though its any package you want! (well, when i get more experienced with it anyway!!! my main goal was to get all my resources back on line on a board!!)
You could try ( intead - that is online 24 hours per day if Ramses' A4000 didn't crash. ;-)
bbs'er are so passé. use web forums instead.
violator: netmodem (or something; still can't remember what it was called) can make the bbs software believe that it's actually being connected by dialup.
but yeah, mystic is quite confable. i even made my own amiga-lookalike oneliner for it once :) (just to try out the scripting system, easy thing to code ;)
but yeah, mystic is quite confable. i even made my own amiga-lookalike oneliner for it once :) (just to try out the scripting system, easy thing to code ;)
oh and web forums are fucking terrible :)