What are the best demo compilations?
category: general [glöplog]
I'm going to download a couple of demo compilation, probably Demoshow 2.0 and Dreams.
What are the best and more recent intro/demo compilations?
Where can I find a list of demo compilations?
I googled but I found only the scene.org dir...
Are there only-intro compilations?
Thanks all!
What are the best and more recent intro/demo compilations?
Where can I find a list of demo compilations?
I googled but I found only the scene.org dir...
Are there only-intro compilations?
Thanks all!
demoshow 2.0 and epidemic.cd.ep1 and 2
you get them both (4 cds) from ftp.scene.org
imphobia dreams are only old msdos demos...
you get them both (4 cds) from ftp.scene.org
imphobia dreams are only old msdos demos...
the best demo compilations are the ones you collect for yourself imho :)
Ninja Killer: My not longer offered 'Planet Scene' compilation contains besides much music also around 850 intros for dos+win32. There are very few CD's left...
I second there Gargaj. Every democompilation is subjective and contains some demos that you don't like for sure.
www.mindcandydvd.com ;)
personally, i think demo compilations are great. Sure, it's not as good as the one you make on your harddisk, but it's a good way to find loads of demos you never saw + others think are good.
Mindcandy is surely worth getting, demoshow2 is also, dreams is a waste of time unless you have a dos machine and like old demos. Not tried the epidemic cds, have to look now :)
Mindcandy is surely worth getting, demoshow2 is also, dreams is a waste of time unless you have a dos machine and like old demos. Not tried the epidemic cds, have to look now :)