Some top quality logos needed! Please!
category: general [glöplog] is a site that tries to recreate a little bit of the magic from days gone by on your pc. We now have a collection of nearly 100 almost perfect conversions of Amiga crack intros, they are made as compatible as possible to run nicely on your windows box.
We have quietly been developing our remakes, rarely publicising our site because we were not only working on the remakes, but we have been working on the portal too.
The portal still has lots of features to be added, but we are happy now that we have something that both works well, and that we can add more and more features to over the coming months.
Our users can come along and download a piece of history to see these nice old intros without having to use an emulator or the original hardware.
What we need are logos.
At the moment, Dicab/Alcatraz and Jizzy/Dawn have supplied two nice logos for us, the specifications needed are;
580 X 210
Background colour # 000000
Iks also promised up a logo :)
More are needed though, if you can help, please send them to nicksimpsonx [at] googlemail [dot] com or post them here :)
If you want to relive a little bit of the past or see what you missed if you came to the scene after the days of the amiga piracy scene died, then you are most welcome to join the 170 people who are already registered at
We really do need some more high quality logos for our portal, please help us out with them and we'll carry on remaking the intros!
Of course if you don't have any interest in these old intros, then this won't be for you, but for those people who liked the idea of sites like Flashtro and Doc Snyder's flashtros then this is a nice way to see your old favourites again.
Thanks for reading and we hope that you can help us!
We have quietly been developing our remakes, rarely publicising our site because we were not only working on the remakes, but we have been working on the portal too.
The portal still has lots of features to be added, but we are happy now that we have something that both works well, and that we can add more and more features to over the coming months.
Our users can come along and download a piece of history to see these nice old intros without having to use an emulator or the original hardware.
What we need are logos.
At the moment, Dicab/Alcatraz and Jizzy/Dawn have supplied two nice logos for us, the specifications needed are;
580 X 210
Background colour # 000000
Iks also promised up a logo :)
More are needed though, if you can help, please send them to nicksimpsonx [at] googlemail [dot] com or post them here :)
If you want to relive a little bit of the past or see what you missed if you came to the scene after the days of the amiga piracy scene died, then you are most welcome to join the 170 people who are already registered at
We really do need some more high quality logos for our portal, please help us out with them and we'll carry on remaking the intros!
Of course if you don't have any interest in these old intros, then this won't be for you, but for those people who liked the idea of sites like Flashtro and Doc Snyder's flashtros then this is a nice way to see your old favourites again.
Thanks for reading and we hope that you can help us!
aha, did i start a trend :) .. heres one copied from stus computers...
rETRO rEMAKE heh... ill try to do one for you Mr Shockwave.
rETRO rEMAKE heh... ill try to do one for you Mr Shockwave.
why can't i watch the prods without registering? :(