category: residue [glöplog]
Ragging on Razor 1911 for killing the demoscene, that's just sacrilege.
If you feel the demoscene is dying, quit your bitching and go make a good demo. Take some action, finger pointing results in nothing but enemies.
If you feel the demoscene is dying, quit your bitching and go make a good demo. Take some action, finger pointing results in nothing but enemies.
actually, I believe the point was that Razor should make a good demo. and so on and so forth.
whoo, The Sopranos are on in a few moments.
whoo, The Sopranos are on in a few moments.
sagacity : true
do something about this mess!
Alternative view ;)
oha o_O
Pussys !
What would u aim with this post ?
Saviour of the Scene
(johnny & stefan) ......
Pussys !
What would u aim with this post ?
Saviour of the Scene
(johnny & stefan) ......
U pricks get me so angry it makes me wanna puke. Don't u realise how fucking LAME YOU ARE!?!?! Maybe u don't but evryone else does...
Razor and any other oldskool groups that are still active deserve much 'respect'...which u pricks obviously lack (amongst other things). And unfortunately, you loathsome lame little lollypop licking losers, the scene was built on respect. Razors recent prods have not been that bad at all..and u should compare or compete - not fucking complain like the candy assed faggots u truly are...
And on top of that u ignore the great ghandy...grrr
wise up or FUCK OFF CUNTS
Razor and any other oldskool groups that are still active deserve much 'respect'...which u pricks obviously lack (amongst other things). And unfortunately, you loathsome lame little lollypop licking losers, the scene was built on respect. Razors recent prods have not been that bad at all..and u should compare or compete - not fucking complain like the candy assed faggots u truly are...
And on top of that u ignore the great ghandy...grrr
wise up or FUCK OFF CUNTS
This thread is still going?
so how did we kill the scene if we brought so much excitement to your lives!
Its sad that those two seem to act like they own the "scene" and if they did, it wouldnt be a place worth being.
Why cant you just others contribute even if you dont like it. You dont seem to do anything else other than rag on people, and if your good at it, then upward and onward i say.
But really,If you dont like us, then go do everyone a favour and kill yourself. Or, if you cant do that,then next time you see one of us at a party get your gun and shoot us in the back or in the head, and then
Get over it.
so how did we kill the scene if we brought so much excitement to your lives!
Its sad that those two seem to act like they own the "scene" and if they did, it wouldnt be a place worth being.
Why cant you just others contribute even if you dont like it. You dont seem to do anything else other than rag on people, and if your good at it, then upward and onward i say.
But really,If you dont like us, then go do everyone a favour and kill yourself. Or, if you cant do that,then next time you see one of us at a party get your gun and shoot us in the back or in the head, and then
Get over it.
IZM is killing razor1911 !
pouet.net sucks.
nystep sux
"ps. please, learn about design. I had to puke - and you guys know what exactly I mean." .. Marc Chotaire / Razor 1911
.. this is hilarious.
.. this is hilarious.
let's straighten this out, it's all very clear thorsten!

TPB has cute design. And they love me. Give it up for scene homosexuality!
:( i miss thorsten
There were ghettosceners in 2002?
in the ghettoo...
omfg dipswitch is a visionary!!!!!!!1

I'm trying to kill the scene, but so far it hasn't been working. Any tips?
Provide Nvida Demoboxes to use with OSDM :)
and then only give them to mac & linux users.
and then only give them to mac & linux users.
with that little intro I just did, I hope this topic will be less true than in 2002 :3
added on the 2008-08-13 21:14:14 by v4nl4me
omg. this thread is fun to re-read.