Evoke 2008
category: general [glöplog]
Well, at least if you move between the line, press "insert" and then enter some random text I never said nor implied.
Madenmann: Hint - before trying to drag me into a Pimmelfight with you, go get yourself a Pimmel :)
Madenmann: Hint - before trying to drag me into a Pimmelfight with you, go get yourself a Pimmel :)
IIRC Breakpoint has the largest unvisible visitors count. Plus BP organizing is the only party, that counts the visitor's home countries since years.
What's a pimmelfechten? It sounds painful.
i dont know but i think i had one with smash a couple weeks ago O_o
This is pimmelfechten:

penis fight!
Btw? Who is the Pimmelmann in the middle of the picture?
Looks like Slobodan Milošević...
About the "annoying press people":
We are sorry that those people annoyed you so much, but most of us honestly understand your complaints. We are thinking of how to handle this in the next years and find some of your suggestions (i.e. a "press hour") quite interesting.
For this year though we contacted the filmteams and press-people that were around and forbid them to use pictures of sleeping people, drunk people and "drug taking" people in their reports. They are also forced by german law to comply to your "please do not film me" requests that you may have uttered during the party. They said they would not use that anyhow, but our request "forces" them to comply to that promise. Sorry that this is only an "hindsight reaction"...we, too, are still learning.
We hope that this will calm you down a bit (while we completely understand why you are upset) and we promise to handle this better next year. Apologies for any inconvenience caused!
We are sorry that those people annoyed you so much, but most of us honestly understand your complaints. We are thinking of how to handle this in the next years and find some of your suggestions (i.e. a "press hour") quite interesting.
For this year though we contacted the filmteams and press-people that were around and forbid them to use pictures of sleeping people, drunk people and "drug taking" people in their reports. They are also forced by german law to comply to your "please do not film me" requests that you may have uttered during the party. They said they would not use that anyhow, but our request "forces" them to comply to that promise. Sorry that this is only an "hindsight reaction"...we, too, are still learning.
We hope that this will calm you down a bit (while we completely understand why you are upset) and we promise to handle this better next year. Apologies for any inconvenience caused!
Steam: The 3Sat team actually was really nice, asking for permitance to use what they filmed off an a500 screen to all people who might have had their hand or half face in the picture for more than a second, as well as asking for demo names and roughly if they were allowed to show those demos on tv or if they had to contact the makers first.
On the other hand one of the other teams was really perky, just setting up their cameras and starting to record without saying a single word, making one of the girls which was I was with escape the party place for roughly an hour each time. Needless to say I was quite uncomfy with sitting right next to a camera as well.
Just my 2 cents ... still enjoyed the party very much.
On the other hand one of the other teams was really perky, just setting up their cameras and starting to record without saying a single word, making one of the girls which was I was with escape the party place for roughly an hour each time. Needless to say I was quite uncomfy with sitting right next to a camera as well.
Just my 2 cents ... still enjoyed the party very much.
awesome evoke moments #1
getting woken up at 4am on sunday morning to http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/Electro+Gypsy/ on the big screen
getting woken up at 4am on sunday morning to http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/Electro+Gypsy/ on the big screen