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Any serious, active, good graphician and coder available?

category: general [glöplog]
If you are coder or graphician 2d / 3d and you are a serious person with illusion to make demos, contact with me here: juliojsm@hotmail.com

In other case, don´t write, please. :)

Thanks for your attention.
added on the 2003-10-30 17:40:28 by khrome khrome
And while we're at it, any UK sceners have a chip tune for a quick adtro? Mail me if you have a decent spare chiipy :)
added on the 2003-10-30 17:51:39 by psonice psonice
Graphician are welcome! Come on! We are waiting for you.
added on the 2003-10-30 23:31:07 by khrome khrome
Im a coder, and I still have illusions to make demos.
My last illusion, to come true was back in 1999.
added on the 2003-10-31 00:13:48 by strepto strepto
If you are a coder or 2D / 3D graphician with illusion to make demos, you are not usually accepting invitations to join groups in pouet BBS, you are coding/making 2D/3D graphics for a demo.

However, if you are a standalone person looking for a coder or 2D/3D graphician, you'd be better off asking a group to let you in ;-)
added on the 2003-10-31 01:05:21 by Jcl Jcl
I'm a coder and a 2d/3d graphician. can I pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease join your group?!!
added on the 2003-10-31 01:50:36 by kusma kusma
Are there actually many people who search a group and many groups who search members?

If so, wouldn´t it be nice if there was a page for all those lonely sceners who search someone to code with? You could post messages at ojuice but I doubt that this will help a lot...
added on the 2003-10-31 07:54:23 by chock chock
Chock: thats what parties are for. Well...except - you know - boozing and stuff ;)
added on the 2003-10-31 09:03:01 by Delax Delax
Yes Jcl, I am working on a demo... :))
Somehow I don't feel like joining a group, founding a new group or the resurection of my old group sounds more, like what I want to do.
added on the 2003-10-31 09:10:35 by strepto strepto
Jcl: Are you a coder or 2D / 3D graphician with illusion to make demos then??
What you said is your personal opinion but you have to know that you DO NOT have the supreme reason :) I share your opinion partly.
A greeting and thanks for your words, friend. ;)
added on the 2003-10-31 11:10:16 by khrome khrome
Illusions are just like my Dreams folder :(
added on the 2003-10-31 14:17:02 by Optimus Optimus
making demos is a desillusion!
added on the 2003-10-31 20:27:47 by el mal el mal
Strepto, why don't you contact us? you could have came to these little Hungarian parties this year, that would have helped communication a bit ;)
added on the 2003-10-31 21:44:46 by Ger Ger
strepto, kusma: You put in contact with me, please.
added on the 2003-10-31 22:48:54 by khrome khrome
it looks like you're a musician who wants to make demos. there's more than plenty of those. you'll not succeed.
added on the 2003-11-01 10:28:07 by skrebbel skrebbel
Maybe you have reason "sir RICHARD kbab". But I´m a musician and I have new ideas for to make demos. Something is something.
If you allow me to use Pouet BBS, I wanted to find people with illusion and not to people with nothing.
Regards ;).
added on the 2003-11-01 17:41:50 by khrome khrome
ahah musicians seeking for demogroups....
forget about music
start 3dgfx or coding
i would say coding is better to get friends :D (in the demoscene only... making music bring girls tho....)
khrome: i'm a coder who has already said will retire on next BCN Party (as a demoscene coder, that is). One more demo left to make... just to see if, after retirement, I leave something actually nice to the community :-)

(not that I won't keep watching demos, or actually going to parties, but saying I have time for making demos at all is lying to myself, so I'll just let it go... ;-))

of course, no offsense to be taken from my words, was just suggesting ;-)

and... to sir RICHAR kbab, he's a -very good- musician wanting to make demos, there's not so many of those ;)
added on the 2003-11-03 18:08:02 by Jcl Jcl
khrome > did i miss something ? aren't you a XPLSV member ?? :)
added on the 2003-11-03 19:23:23 by kohai kohai
Jcl: Sinceramente, y viendo el panorama, muy probablemente tengas razón y el Señor Ricardo también. No tendré éxito en mi búsqueda por Pouet BBS. Es muy triste pero he de reconocerlo. Será cuestión de tiempo y de conocer antes de formar nada a gente que sea seria en lo que hace, dentro de la seriedad que la demoscene (vía de expresión artística y creatividad) pueda tener para cada uno. No me ofendo por tus palabras pero quiero seguir manteniendo la posibilidad de que algo serio surja. Y te diré más, nadie se ha puesto en contacto conmigo todavía por muchos comments que escriban en pouet.
Ah! Gracias por creer en mí ;)

kohai: I have collaborated with XPLSV in the PILGRIMAGE demo (a tribute to the oldschool demoscene). And I will continue collaborating with the one who asks for it me. In any case, XPLSV is a group more orientated to the visuals. I am a threepixels ex-member.
added on the 2003-11-03 21:53:53 by khrome khrome
Ahhhh ! Threepixels ! I knew i seen your nickname somewhere else ! :)

Good job on the XPLSV soundtrack. I'm sure you'll find a new crew soon ... ^^
added on the 2003-11-04 14:10:24 by kohai kohai
kohai: thanks :)

...by the way, if anyone wants a demo soundtrack... ;-) contact me... hehe...
added on the 2003-11-05 11:05:41 by khrome khrome
Im to team up with Gem.
Sorry khrome.
added on the 2003-11-05 15:59:14 by strepto strepto
khrome can you do chip music?
added on the 2003-11-05 16:37:02 by psonice psonice
I might do it (I love the chiptunes) but I am interested in doing high quality music :)
added on the 2003-11-05 20:44:52 by khrome khrome


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