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fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
please add video link for this product.
added on the 2008-07-11 11:38:13 by kyv kyv
added on the 2008-07-11 11:53:28 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
Please change screenshot for THIS production.
The new screenshot is HERE
BB Image
added on the 2008-07-11 16:16:57 by Manwe Manwe
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=50916 type should just be "intro"
added on the 2008-07-11 22:29:44 by ferris ferris
added on the 2008-07-12 00:04:41 by reed reed

vandalism for production description (nothing to do with release at all)
added on the 2008-07-12 23:55:55 by burndown burndown
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.
added on the 2008-07-13 03:05:05 by stijn stijn
broken link, scene.org mirrors works though
added on the 2008-07-13 17:37:23 by reed reed
please delete my entries on -> http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=50921
added on the 2008-07-13 20:54:44 by pOWL pOWL
erm, no :)
added on the 2008-07-13 22:05:24 by reed reed
hehe.. ;)
added on the 2008-07-13 22:16:15 by pOWL pOWL
I released a version of this, which works on hard drive and Falcons, here. Dunno if and how may this be added tbh.
added on the 2008-07-14 00:45:12 by --- ---
I'm not too keen on adding this kind of stuff to the prod since it's a hack *you* did on the, not Synergy. Also, I'm not sure they would appreciate to have their demo turned to a file version (I would not).

Done anyway.
added on the 2008-07-14 01:12:46 by keops keops
"on the original version"
added on the 2008-07-14 01:13:28 by keops keops
Well on one hand I've seen ports of dos demos for win32, on the other even I'm not sure it has a place here.

Anyway if any other mod here has a different opinion I'd like to hear it.
added on the 2008-07-14 01:16:04 by --- ---
Some Notes regarding the productions of Kefrens (ID:199)

The Mega Demos 1 (ID:31308) and 2 (ID:31309) are correctly attached to the group "The Stralight Project" (ID:6755), which became Kefrens in 1988. However, the two Megademos go most of the time as "Kefrens Mega Demo 1" and "2" instead of TSP Mega Demo 1 and 2. I first thought that they are missing in Pouet. I don't know how if you can link the productions to both groups without creating duplicate entries for the productions itself, but I suggest to do what you must.

Also, the "Mega Demos" go also under different names, such as Demo Disk #3 for Mega Demo 3. Demo Disk #3 is also called "The Blue Wizard". Can you specify symonyms for productions? Other productions have the same problem, such as Doomsdays Demo Boost, which is also called Vivid Experiment II.

That is actually how it started. I was looking for the release year of Kefrens Demo Disk #3 - The Blue Wizard and could not find it in Pouet.

All the other stuff that I mentioned came up when I started digging :).

Oh, the Multimegamix 1-3 (ID's: 4708, 4709 and 4713) must be from 1991, if I read the Kefrens history correctly. See Kefrens History

I created an animated gif for the Demo Disk #3 (Megademo 3). You might like it better than the current shot. BB Image
Link to image @ RoySAC.com

I don't think that I have permission to make any of the suggested changes myself. The interface is not very intuitive, but from what I can tell, is it only possible for me to add new stuff.

Carsten aka Roy/SAC
added on the 2008-07-14 01:32:33 by Roy[SAC] Roy[SAC]
Roy[SAC] : as Hitchhikr submitted them, they were TSP prods back then, no reason to credit them as Kefrens prods imo (the same way Kasparov is entered as an Elitegroup prod, even if it has become another group ever since).

I will let hitchhikr deal with that since he submitted it and knows his Amiga stuff :)

Also, the screenshot he submitted is perfectly fine, it's not some downscaled screenshot with blur and compression artifacts ;)
added on the 2008-07-14 01:53:03 by keops keops
please add video link for this product
added on the 2008-07-14 12:28:01 by kyv kyv
added on the 2008-07-14 13:08:04 by keops keops
please add video link for this product
added on the 2008-07-14 14:36:36 by n1k-o n1k-o
added on the 2008-07-14 19:42:16 by reed reed
New DOSBox videos for Komplex - Cyboman 2
here (Xvid/MP3)
here (H.264/AAC)

New videos for Haujobb - fukwit daddy
here (Xvid/MP3)
here (H.264/AAC)

New videos for Haujobb - mother, mother! fukwit daddy!
here (Xvid/MP3)
here (H.264/AAC)
added on the 2008-07-14 20:42:54 by raer raer
please add youtube link for this demo

and ;)

add youtube link for this demo
added on the 2008-07-14 22:23:50 by Tjahzi Tjahzi


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