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Beggining demoscene

category: general [glöplog]
Hey, I am a software developer and always had interest on demoscene, I can write any type of code so this won't be the problem, I wanted any resource that could lead me to the demoscene making, I would really appreciate that.

Thank You.
Oh, forgot to mention that i wanted to go in graphics/programming part :)
Just find some music and make a demo. What's not to get? Or are you looking for resources into 3D programming? Internet has tons of that. First of all, you could download DirectX SDK and check the samples.
added on the 2008-07-04 14:03:41 by imbusy imbusy
What are you interested in especially? The effects programming part is just like any other graphics programming mostly, basic DirectX or OpenGL will take you to places. As for sound, there's a bunch of popular sound systems like FMOD or BASS to play music on, or you can roll your own (but few people do, both of them work just fine). There's some "demo specific" stuff like music/visual sync and the like, but in the end it's pretty easy to figure out.

As for the content and ideas, that's where the fun part comes in :) I'm pretty sure you can come up with stuff you want to do for a demo, but there's always the possibility of teaming up with a bunch of other people and doing stuff in collaboration, or doing a demo tool for the artists to use.

Personally, I suggest you get music from somewhere (the friendly people from Brainstorm would for example likely love to supply you with a song and/or graphics, and then you just make a demo. It's as simple as that :)
added on the 2008-07-04 14:08:18 by Preacher Preacher
Ok, and then I just put all together and i made a demo? :P

Isnt there any tutorial on how to get executables with really low size, and some kind of 3d graphics programming tutorial towards demo, these both aren't like "common knowledge" and are hard to find (are they, or am i not looking in the right places?).
And oh yeah, definitely go to a demoparty to meet with other people, to get new friends, ideas and inspiration.
added on the 2008-07-04 14:10:02 by Preacher Preacher
For really low size executables, there's a bunch of stuff at IN4K, and for graphics programming, there's a huge bunch of stuff on the Net. My favourite beginner graphics programming site is Codesampler, which contains a lot of basic 3d programming techniques implemented both with DirectX and OpenGL. They don't cater to demo effects specially, but in the end, the vast majority of demo stuff is just really basic 3d programming with music :)
added on the 2008-07-04 14:12:34 by Preacher Preacher
Going to a demo party is highly recommended - where do you live?
added on the 2008-07-04 14:15:26 by gloom gloom
Oh, I live in a country with almost no demoscene activity (Brazil), i'll try to raise a community up in here, so no demo parties around :P.

But really thank you by the resources, they will be helpfull, when i make something i'll post it here :)
i wouldnt focus on size compression off the bat if i was you, instead focus on putting some cubes spinning and ribbons moving in a decent framework, checking the state of the art in latest shaders stuff in a nice place to start for example. when you know how to do the heavyweight stuff then read up on the tutorials/seminars for size optimizing stuff. just my 2 cents.
added on the 2008-07-04 14:17:30 by psenough psenough
Okay, that is a nice sugestion thank you. I just mentioned that because i really could use it in my software development stuff, but you are right :).
scarvenger: e pessoal de desenvolvimento de videojogos? ha maior probabilidade de existirem localmente e terem alguns encontros e forums, é area que liga muito com a scene, um bom sitio para se aprender (ter apoio) a programar gráficos.
added on the 2008-07-04 14:19:53 by psenough psenough
But of course, if you're interested in heavy size optimization, then that's what you should look into. Intros are different to make than demos, and offer their own challenge. Just do what you feel like doing :)
added on the 2008-07-04 14:21:00 by Preacher Preacher
ps: hmm, com certeza, vou procurar me informar com o pessoal, obrigado, alias de onde você é? :)
I wanted any resource that could lead me to the demoscene making

This is a deadly phrase you wrote! You can't make demoscene but you can make demos. The name of the community is demoscene (though... just scene is better), and a part of the productions are called demos, not all though.

That said, just do whatever you feel like, there're no limits neither regulations in the scene, not that much at least.
added on the 2008-07-04 14:26:01 by decipher decipher
Hehe oops, sorry :P
scarvenger: portugal, temos uma cena mais ou menos activa por aqui http://scenept.blogspot.com, se precisares de ajuda em coisas mais especificas avisa qualquer coisa que a gente aproveita para escrever um artigo sobre o assunto para o blog :)
added on the 2008-07-04 14:35:22 by psenough psenough
ps: Com certeza, posso pegar o seu email? qualquer coisa lhe envio um email e discutimos melhor ;)
O meu é: felipe.farinon@gmail.com, prazer em conhecê-lo.
Join us - we'll teach you everything ;)
scanvenger: in fact, there used to be demoscene in brazil (wasn't there even a demoparty at some point?)... it would be cool if your efforts contribute to reactivating these people...
added on the 2008-07-04 15:07:10 by dipswitch dipswitch
here's apparently another brazilian scener btw: http://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=19489 (check his post)

considering the other latin american states, there is a small scene in argentina again: http://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=19489. i used to be in an argentinian ansi group 10 years ago...
added on the 2008-07-04 15:12:35 by dipswitch dipswitch
also see phoenix' post in the argentinian thread:


ps: Z was just in '97, it seems. The one in Brazil that happened more than once was PC (Painless Compo), 95-96 or 97, and I think it was music-only the first time around. Check google, scene.org, flerp.scene.hu, yadda yadda yadda.
added on the 2004-12-02 17:09:52 by phoenix
added on the 2008-07-04 15:14:03 by dipswitch dipswitch
scanvenger: in fact, there used to be demoscene in brazil (wasn't there even a demoparty at some point?)... it would be cool if your efforts contribute to reactivating these people...

Yeah, revive the brazilian demoscene and try to pull up the portugeese ditto in the same attempt! (now, there's a REAL task for you) ;)
Oh, and good job by dip spotting those threads - excellent!
Nutman^IRIS: I will take a look, thanks :).

dipswitch: Ok, i got some contacts with people some Campus Party (computer event, it occurs frequently in Spain and sometimes in Brazil) so I am able to start a small community events inside Campus Party, that would be really nice.


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