3rd annual Intel Demo Competition
category: general [glöplog]
holmes, to Bel Air!
I am in panik mode: our stuff looks like beeing sponsored by an optician. Too much blur.
But: No white flashes and no cuts so far...
But: No white flashes and no cuts so far...
just add a dutch colorscheme: orange!! :)
we will beat russia tonite and germany in final!! :)
we will beat russia tonite and germany in final!! :)
first we have to survive the turkish / german game in Berlin.
pixtur don't worry.. we'll bring the white flashes and cuts :-)
can someone extend time to 48h a day please ?
i would also want that nytrik.
Panta : what about the "we have a lot of time" leitmotiv ?
pantaloon we too... Wonder if xxx and intel would be nice enough and extend the deadline?:-)
Uncle : I buy that option too.
nytrik, i tought we had alot of time :) but then suddenly it was just a few days.
uh oh, if you guys are working on a demo that takes more than a week, I refuse to take part in the competition.
Aww, would you just look at how cute they are when trying to bring down the expectations :)
yeah extend the deadline so that I can deliver a demo with crappy software effects...
Pixtur : the true problem is we started yesterday night.
it smell shiti demo with boring flyby :)
You did Sandbox Punks in a week so no one is really worried ;)
my favourite quite nicely fits here; (from macgyver show)
"pressure macgyver; it's what makes coal into diamonds"
"pressure macgyver; it's what makes coal into diamonds"

With this much pressure, you'll get a black hole, we're way past the diamonds pressure here.. ;)
Skrebbel: thnx ;)
Skrebbel: thnx ;)
We can still blame UEFA.
jocking appart : where do we have to upload it on monday ?
More importantly, what timezone is that server located.. ;)
But some additional info from the organisation would be nice.
But some additional info from the organisation would be nice.