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NVScene 2008!

category: general [glöplog]
Have all packages with nvidia's demobox been send to the sceners who signed up and requested this ?

added on the 2008-06-21 19:10:48 by aegis aegis
btw you're doing pretty good with the ..! thing.

now drop the capitalisation of nouns (English != Deutch) and your posts will be an awesome read!
added on the 2008-06-21 19:11:25 by skrebbel skrebbel
oh that was for cocoon ofc
added on the 2008-06-21 19:11:36 by skrebbel skrebbel
Thank you *so* much for sharing your opinion, cOcOOn.
But I seriously doubt that any gamer will buy nvidia-hardware because *you* were doing a cool demo (which is not meant as an insult to your demomaking-skills)
added on the 2008-06-21 19:16:28 by hfr hfr
k !

write everything small , dont (over-)use punctuation

whats next ?

too many "?" and "!" i guess

and if i continue doing all you say i end up " just write 1 word per post,dude !"

but its ok....i´ll just be participating a lot lesser than i could/would normally in that way ! ( one post costs me double the time than before already ! having to think about/while writing is a bit tad ! )

having to think about/while writing is a bit tad !

lesson 3 will be "think *before* writing" ;)
added on the 2008-06-21 19:25:52 by hfr hfr
nah,my demo wont be cool !

just full of DOTs ;) ( == punctuation-mode ... need some compensation,hehe )

i just wanted to say sth to think about instead of talking about my writin-style and asking for prizes etc. ...just for a change !

...and im totally clear of everyone has an own point-of-view...those were just MY 2bits :)

yup,exchanged tad with bit and deleted the right word ! could happen to every1 ;)

my point was that i have to think about which keys to hit and which to ignore....its just not comfortable.....so the missing word must have been "uncomfortable" ! (normally i just wrote what i wanted to say without having to take in account others could get mad at me again because of over-punctuation or sth.)

meh....can we stop that story NOW and FOREVER please ? i´ll try to keep in mind to write proper english and that should be all about it ! please !

BB Image
added on the 2008-06-21 20:08:08 by magic magic
can't you read the thread title ? ...
the dutch colorscheme is everywhere tonite! :)

Holland - Russia 2-1
added on the 2008-06-21 20:13:22 by magic magic
magic likes them ugly
added on the 2008-06-21 20:20:13 by ithaqua ithaqua
nah,he likesém FAT!!!!!!

try again !!!!

nah,he likes ém FAT...!!!!!!
( some extra-puntuation in there.!!!! = i feel good again...FUCK.! )

NAH,he likes them FAT...!!!!!!
and if you like dutch colorscheme....try to watch the NVISION-Stream !

ypu wont be satisfied....just some coder-colors will get identified ! ;=?)
Coocon: Please stop "contributing", thank you.
added on the 2008-06-22 12:17:09 by gloom gloom
someone have receive his demobox ? :o)
added on the 2008-06-23 17:45:23 by ntsc_ ntsc_
Most of the people who signed up before Breakpoint and attended got it there. So yes.
and for people signed before bp ?
added on the 2008-06-23 18:02:50 by ntsc_ ntsc_
we will post an announcement as soon as the boxes are out the door :)
added on the 2008-06-23 18:19:30 by Gargaj Gargaj
So I was doing yardwork around my house today when I saw the mail guy come up, put stuff in our mail box, then drove his truck back onto our driveway and stopped. As I approach he's coming off the porch and I say hello, he says Hi back, barely acknowledging my existence. The county here is too cheap to hire-full time mail people, so we get grumpy contractors.

I notice a large package on the steps, before going back to yard work. A little while later a FedEx truck pulls up and drops off another box on the steps. I begin to wonder what is inside the two boxes, as we don't get packages too often.

As soon as I finish the lawn, I put things up in the shed and then go to check the mail, noticing a large padded envelope. I look over it wondering it it's my NVScene pre-reg details. Alas, as I turn it over I find "Overstock" stamped on it, a website in the US that sells excess items from large chains stores for 'cheap'.

I walk over to the porch, and pick up the two boxes and head on in. I check the first, smaller box, it also has Overstock stamped on it. Alas, no NVScene kit. So I check the other box.

It ALSO has Overstock on it. I sigh as I get a glass of water and set the packages on the kitchen table, for whoever they are for to find. I walk up to my office and load up pouet.net - where I am typing this story right now.

Moral of the story: Overstock sucks. I mean really, 3 packages for one order? Two by mail another by FedEx? Really? Can't you just put it in one box and save some material?! Bah!

Anyway, really looking forward to the kits and more news of course. ;)
added on the 2008-06-23 20:10:46 by micksam7 micksam7
*notes the story is in no way trying to critize anyone other than overstock and his local mail men* ;P
added on the 2008-06-23 20:11:46 by micksam7 micksam7
Breaking news! There will be a bar in the NVScene area - beer and wine, available for purchase! Damn cool! :)
added on the 2008-06-23 21:09:56 by gloom gloom
Wait a tick, I thought this was going to be a non-alcholic event. o.O I'm not quite able to drink in the US yet.. ;p

Meh well, more fun for those who can drink then. ;p
added on the 2008-06-23 21:36:52 by micksam7 micksam7
It is a non-alcoholic event, but there is a closed 18yr area in the NVScene area where the bar will be.
added on the 2008-06-23 22:22:38 by gloom gloom


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