category: general [glöplog]
The day the scene will come back from the dead is coming! Get ready for some action! :)a cataclysm will take place on or about 21 December 2012
George W. Bush has a phD so obviously he is more right be default
no way! Dubya has a Phd? in what? drinking and sniffing CIA imported cocaine?
George W. Bush has PhD. from Guantanamo university.
The 2012 hysteria is probably another scam by the elite to make us lose hope and accept tyranny.
tinctu: don't worry. I didn't mean you :)
Looking at the random image thread pics, the "dark dwarf star", that is apparently seen only from Antarctica until 2009, looks amazingly visible in North Carolina already in 2005!
![BB Image](http://www.cdaccess.com/jpg/shared/front/large/nibiru.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.cdaccess.com/jpg/shared/front/large/nibiru.jpg)
OPTIMUS: check out my sun hallo on youtube...
Bud two suns hallo is realy rare.
I am watching sunrise at very early morning every 3 days.
I like running...
skrebbel: I am not here... I promise I will not write here for real anymore.
This post is last post non-demo related on pouet... OK!
Bud two suns hallo is realy rare.
I am watching sunrise at very early morning every 3 days.
I like running...
skrebbel: I am not here... I promise I will not write here for real anymore.
This post is last post non-demo related on pouet... OK!
Something more to consider - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbage_in,_garbage_out
Not that a little garbage is a bad thing.. Everything in moderation.
Not that a little garbage is a bad thing.. Everything in moderation.
Pyramids say that end of world will be on 2027.
Haxxors say the end of the world will be in 2048. And Pirx says it actually happened in 256 A.D.
Before or after optimilisation?
LHC = Doomsday
When contemplating anything beyond one's understanding/knowledge one should ALWAYS apply Occam's Razor
So therefore (making as few assumptions as possible), mankind will carry on living on planet Earth, without any interference from extraterrestrial beings, until the terrestrial environment can no longer support mankind.
And anyone who believes otherwise is an idiot, unless they can provide some evidence.
So there!
So therefore (making as few assumptions as possible), mankind will carry on living on planet Earth, without any interference from extraterrestrial beings, until the terrestrial environment can no longer support mankind.
And anyone who believes otherwise is an idiot, unless they can provide some evidence.
So there!
Is there a proof for Occam's Razor? I mean, does the university, our reality, always works with the simplest way?
Also I can't connect the assumptions on extraterrestrials you said with this.
Maybe it could applied in things like: Whatever there are extraterrestrials beings or not, whether there is something happening in 2012 or not, I don't know it. The simplest assumption I can make is that I don't know it and when it happens, it just happens and then I will know. But how does it say that extraterrestrials will come after we have fucked the earth environment or something? Not that I care that they come earlier but I can't see any proof here..
Also I can't connect the assumptions on extraterrestrials you said with this.
Maybe it could applied in things like: Whatever there are extraterrestrials beings or not, whether there is something happening in 2012 or not, I don't know it. The simplest assumption I can make is that I don't know it and when it happens, it just happens and then I will know. But how does it say that extraterrestrials will come after we have fucked the earth environment or something? Not that I care that they come earlier but I can't see any proof here..
You misunderstand Occam's Razor. It's not a law, it's just a philosophical tool. You're a mathematician, you should understand what probabilities are :)
It does not mean that things always work the simplest way, it does however mean we should ALWAYS look for the simplest, most logical explaination.
Oh, and I understand that conspiracies involving extraterrestrials are highly improbable.
Oh, and I understand that conspiracies involving extraterrestrials are highly improbable.
However I should add that it IS highly probable that life exists on other planets, the improbable part is their ability to
1) find us
2) travel to us
3) communicate with us (although if they did it would probably be mathematics and icons)
and of course why would an intelligent society of extraterrestrials want to deal with a bunch of idiots like us anyway?
1) find us
2) travel to us
3) communicate with us (although if they did it would probably be mathematics and icons)
and of course why would an intelligent society of extraterrestrials want to deal with a bunch of idiots like us anyway?
Why the future doesn't need us
@pera: Yeah, if something is to kill humanity, it's probably going to be that, or some other crazy stuff that science is working on. There doesn't seem to be much oversight into what scientists can do, mostly because no one understands what they are doing, and because there's a tendency in the scientific community to label anyone who has any concerns as being "against progress". If we need a Big Brother society it should be to keep track of the mad scientists.
Why the future doesn't need us
@pera: Yeah, if something is to kill humanity, it's probably going to be that, or some other crazy stuff that science is working on. There doesn't seem to be much oversight into what scientists can do, mostly because no one understands what they are doing, and because there's a tendency in the scientific community to label anyone who has any concerns as being "against progress". If we need a Big Brother society it should be to keep track of the mad scientists.
Fine with teh razor. I don't disagree. But sometimes people use it (say/speak it) to support their own beliefs. I don't believe (as in believe) in aliens. They might be or not be here. I don't care. But there is a difference of the general idea from numerous stories I heard. Ok, stories are stories, not proofs. But there are a lot of strange events and some are leaving trails. Even if 99% of the stories are hoax or imagination, there is 1% that has some evidence that I cannot deny. Not evidence of the existence, but evidence that something strange is happening, we just don't know the nature of it.
And personally I am happy when some fridge scientists are into these things. Why when some scientist goes into studying the paranormal, others react and say there are crackpots or something who just want fame? Why there cannot be some honest scientist to research into those things with an open mind, not just crackpots and skeptics against the paranormal? I'd like some credibility but not just denial.
And personally I am happy when some fridge scientists are into these things. Why when some scientist goes into studying the paranormal, others react and say there are crackpots or something who just want fame? Why there cannot be some honest scientist to research into those things with an open mind, not just crackpots and skeptics against the paranormal? I'd like some credibility but not just denial.
![BB Image](http://www.raptureready.com/photo/tulsa2/z56.jpg)
One more time I must broke my promise to not write non-scene related...
When somebody will arrive here... It will be robots of another civilisation. Human astronauts will be first on another planet /not earth/ full of living species... Humans will send robots first. Then will send astronauts probe.
So I think all ufos and aliens in future and all first contacts with aliens will be first contacts with robots [maybe biologic artificial life ,computers can be biologic too... silicon is not only form].
We send robots... They will send robots too... [and It is more chance when they have more advanced technology - space travel is coupled with computers ,robotics ,engineering]
[I dont see any alien real by my self so I am thinking in future... I had see strange stars or perseoids or maybe ufos but i am sceptic... I must see... But probably /100%/ we are not alone in whole universum...]
When somebody will arrive here... It will be robots of another civilisation. Human astronauts will be first on another planet /not earth/ full of living species... Humans will send robots first. Then will send astronauts probe.
So I think all ufos and aliens in future and all first contacts with aliens will be first contacts with robots [maybe biologic artificial life ,computers can be biologic too... silicon is not only form].
We send robots... They will send robots too... [and It is more chance when they have more advanced technology - space travel is coupled with computers ,robotics ,engineering]
[I dont see any alien real by my self so I am thinking in future... I had see strange stars or perseoids or maybe ufos but i am sceptic... I must see... But probably /100%/ we are not alone in whole universum...]
Human astronauts will be NOT first on another planet /not earth/ full of living species... /IN FAR FAR future/ Humans will send their robots first.
When "alien forms" will invade to earth... for raw materials or gases,food ,living space or something else. It will be robotic army.
Becouse as humans. As animals. "Aliens forms" want to survive...
And survive in nature "animals" is permanently war...
/fish in ocean ,lions vs jackals africa etc etc/
.... last post .
Becouse as humans. As animals. "Aliens forms" want to survive...
And survive in nature "animals" is permanently war...
/fish in ocean ,lions vs jackals africa etc etc/
.... last post .