What's your favorite TV series ever?
category: general [glöplog]
twin peaks.

I worship His Divine Shadow... too
LEXX, great series!
LEXX, great series!

That's the best episode in the 4th season of LEXX.
I like a lot this series. Full of fun...
I like a lot this series. Full of fun...

Haha. Yes, I can watch that episode over and over again. Kind of scary cause I feel like I'm turning into Adok. :( But it's so brilliantly directed and acted, so I tell myself that's what does it for me, which makes me feel a little better.
dr. who

Riget owns all other TV series.
you all suck.

you rang mylord
'allo 'allo
you rang mylord
'allo 'allo
So, now I have finished with the x-files and twin peaks, what do you suggest to watch that could have some good resemblances to those two?

and i want that calendar
Buffy the vampire slayer!
House MD
House MD
and from UK TV, Little Brittan was extremely hilarious!

Star Trek Next Generation. Hands down.
Optimuz, you might like The Prisoner
-Black Lagoon(anime)
-Allo Allo
-The Young Ones
-Allo Allo
-The Young Ones