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collaborative compos

category: general [glöplog]
i know the releases i've made for other scenes

... which are ?
added on the 2008-05-28 17:24:27 by TomS4wy3R TomS4wy3R
and a perfect society is where workers think and intellectuals work

Well then - don't care about our uninformed opinions and liberate us out of our tiny self built boxes that we humble worker bees have trapped ourselves in.

... seriously, COME ON.
added on the 2008-05-28 17:24:43 by kb_ kb_
added on the 2008-05-28 17:25:50 by TomS4wy3R TomS4wy3R
heh :d
added on the 2008-05-28 17:36:08 by Zest Zest
TomS4wy3R : you got your answer ;)
added on the 2008-05-28 17:43:06 by keops keops
i released a fart in the gas scene! poor sods never saw it coming
added on the 2008-05-28 17:50:24 by el mal el mal
btw may i add that diskmags usually have a writing section where contributors throw their more or less interesting thoughts, some sceners also deviate the original purpose of their nfo to do the same, but as soon as this old habit is translated on a BB visited by supposedly grown-up and respected people, it turnt into a flamefest and personal attacks...

internet has given a voice to everyone, that's the revolution of a global democracy, and refusing it is rancid elitism, even if it produces 99% of useless noise.
added on the 2008-05-28 17:52:48 by Zest Zest
Tom: asking for such an answer is either setting a trap or being *very* naive... and i'm not.
added on the 2008-05-28 17:56:51 by Zest Zest
yeah, only naive folks release demos, the real good, working intellectuals have pretty ideas about Demo2.0
Okay, hold on Zest, that was not a trap, so don't get touchy. So what about your coming demo ? Do you want to make it collaborative, or not ?
added on the 2008-05-28 18:06:33 by TomS4wy3R TomS4wy3R
nope, totally made in the oldschoolish way, if there is one :D
added on the 2008-05-28 18:08:42 by Zest Zest
btw, to those who know and use those emerging open video/audio programs based on external interactions and modular interfaces, would they be interesting in order to make 'art' in a collaborative and independent way ?

i'm surprised that (almost?) no scene prods have been made through them yet.
added on the 2008-05-28 18:23:58 by Zest Zest
So you suggest _WE_ do this :

and why would demomaking stay an immutable process engraved in stone, why could it not evolve with the new techniques and trendy creative ways ?
added on the 2008-05-28 14:16:04 by Zest

While _YOU_ do that :

nope, totally made in the oldschoolish way, if there is one :D
added on the 2008-05-28 18:08:42 by Zest

added on the 2008-05-28 18:28:50 by keops keops
i'm referring to the softs daily seen on http://createdigitalmusic.com or http://createdigitalmotion.com, too trendy but globally interesting blogs.
added on the 2008-05-28 18:31:06 by Zest Zest
keops: nothing paradoxal there, you're thinking way too binarily. i've just suggested that there could be some additional compos to follow web trends and spice things up.

If you've read all my political blabla in the french thread you know i'm a centrist, i praise a progressist (JFKahn even says 'revolutionary') centrism, and that's not political-only. This is no progress vs fundamentals, this is both :)
added on the 2008-05-28 18:44:14 by Zest Zest
zest, re the new software stuff, the last prod I worked on (8808 on mac) was largely built in quartz composer on mac, at least for the effects. That's actually part of the mac sdk, but it can be used for demos, vjing or whatever. Its similar to vvvv and some of the other stuff on the digital motion site.
added on the 2008-05-28 18:58:14 by psonice psonice
Uh, we did that. Even stated reasons. Guess who ignored all that and went on rambling.

To name names, Preacher didn't and then Keops asserted Preacher's sentiments.
interesting :) Apple seems way ahead MS on this aspect.
added on the 2008-05-28 19:03:33 by Zest Zest
elitism may be good for prods and personal satisfaction, but bad for people and longevity.

Yeah, those 20+ years of demoscene history so far proves it's just a fad.

Oh, and saying "Dude, why don't you just PRODUCE something instead of being a little whiny bitch" isn't elitism, it's people being sick and tired of your attitude. That those people happen to be the same ones who actually MAKES demos.. well.. take a hint, won't you?
added on the 2008-05-28 20:30:05 by gloom gloom
btw may i add that diskmags usually have a writing section where contributors throw their more or less interesting thoughts [...] but as soon as this old habit is translated on a BB visited by supposedly grown-up and respected people, it turnt into a flamefest and personal attacks...

Why yes. Nobody in the history of the demoscene has *ever* been flamed for something they wrote in a diskmag.
added on the 2008-05-28 21:14:02 by gasman gasman
gasman: what i mean is that writing only for writing is part of the scene too.

gloom: seriously, could you please define my attitude precisely and wonder why you think it is rationally so bad ? have i ever attacked a person first ? why do you always feel offended by my general posts ? maybe it's time to think of yourself instead of me.

i don't whine at demomakers, i respect all (yes *all*) of them for the hours of entertainment (and enlightment) they gave me.

do you feel my attitude as misplaced because i happen to mention the gaming world ? as if it had no link with the demoscene at all... as if you never gave your mii or Live gamertag around.

don't you ever dream of a universal platform that would give the best of console and PC worlds, like a nextgen super amiga ? aren't you afraid that the rumbling trusted computing concept could deeply threaten the scene ? haven't you ever thought that there could be some new compos online or in demoparties to attract the creative youngsters of the web generation into the demoscene, or just to diversify pleasures ? are those thoughts so tiring/offensive/off-topic that their author should be pilloried ? if you think they are then you are a close-minded conformist, sorry.

my only crime is to break the implicit courteous rule of one thread per month, to write long sentences with some substance instead of short cronyism replies, to make you feel like i'm invading your personal sphere...

intentionally or not pouet is turning into the private bulletin board of a bunch of international elite friends who meet in international parties or some oldchool irc channels, and whoever is not in that circle is getting blockaded for no legitimate reason... maybe you should rename pouet into pouetfellas and put a master password or invite system, that way you would be quiet with your friends.

elitism is not incompatible with openness and tolerance : that's the main lesson and contribution of the web revolution.
added on the 2008-05-28 22:28:08 by Zest Zest
Come on, you're just acting like a little prince here.

Your activity begets the negative opinions you see here about your persona. I guarantee you that if you found a way to let us ignore all the subst.. err I mean fluff you're generating, all those negative comments would disappear.

added on the 2008-05-28 22:54:58 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Are you a girl ?
added on the 2008-05-28 22:56:05 by willbe willbe
why do you always feel offended by my general posts ?

Offended? Oh please. I pretty much always find your posts to be utter garbage, and so does most other people as well, so why don't you try to let that sink in before your next post?

Granted, this thread is amongst the most sensible you've started, but mostly because of what other people have said.

do you feel my attitude as misplaced because i happen to mention the gaming world ? as if it had no link with the demoscene at all... as if you never gave your mii or Live gamertag around.

don't you ever dream of a universal platform that would give the best of console and PC worlds, like a nextgen super amiga ? aren't you afraid that the rumbling trusted computing concept could deeply threaten the scene ? haven't you ever thought that there could be some new compos online or in demoparties to attract the creative youngsters of the web generation into the demoscene, or just to diversify pleasures ? are those thoughts so tiring/offensive/off-topic that their author should be pilloried ?

I'm sorry, but are you high?!
added on the 2008-05-28 23:01:35 by gloom gloom
this thread is amongst the most sensible you've started, but mostly because of what other people have said.

FINALLY we agree! that's all i want, the opinions of scene veterans and corporate 'insiders' and more intrepid newcomers about some serious questions, just some recreative brainstorming on pouet bbs :)
added on the 2008-05-28 23:13:54 by Zest Zest


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