Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
/b/ said I would die by time paradox...
So here's my desktop... I'm training...
So here's my desktop... I'm training...
Next time you take a picture of your desktop, you might want to put the lube in a drawer or something.
cxnull plx make also one with tft removed, so it looks like translucent screen xD
why ya niggas gotsa hate on a tFt, huh?
that manga comic sure kicked ass!
funny to see that pic, because I have the same monitor. Additional level of recursion
recurse, then !!!
<3 optimus post. made me lol ;)
sloooowpppoookkkkee *g*
The Donkey Punch
"donkey punch" - don't press this link.
chuck norris superkicks
about the insane comic - that's Shintaro Kago, and all of his shit is that acid-head fucked up. Multiplication is like this one. Labyrinth or mazes or whatever is super-screwey.
Reminds me my friends' room. There was'n enough place for chairs, so he had to place them on bed. Also, there were 3 safe spots to stand on.
DOH :(